[Incubator] Speak up if you think the draft "Project Graduation Checklist" has any remaining issues

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 21:50:08 EST 2012

> I guess you missed the point that I was trying to make in my previous  
> message. I'd invite you to read it again.
> I disagree with your latest changes: Jody's new section was NOT  
> duplicating information already in the Process section. It was trying  
> relay important points about the expectation that a project must have an  
> open and active/healthy community of users and developers before OSGeo  
> would stand behind it.
> The open source way of developing software, with users and developers  
> working hand in hand with open communication, open decision making  
> processes, etc is what differenciates us the most from the closed source  
> world, and I think it's important to relay that at the top of our  
> incubation checklist.
> There are 19 people in this committee. Where is everybody else? Please  
> speak up, if OPEN being part of the checklist is not important to anyone  
> else then I'll shut up.

Open is important Daniel - it is also somewhat covered in the initial project application form (with respect to license etc…). But I agree the rest of it has not been covered - and has been a hurdle to communicate to those projects going through incubation.

Rant mode on about "Open Development".

I usually lump all these other things into the category of "Open Development" and do consider it something every project that belongs to OSGeo needs to practice.

Indeed as long a project is practicing open development many other issues can be fixed over time.  

I do like the change of being front and centre with that requirement; however I think we could also lead off our description of the incubation process with this expectation.  

It is somewhat easier to turn this description around in terms of thinking about what potential customers can expect of a project that has been accepted into the OSGeo foundation.

"All OSGeo projects practice open development and are ready for you to take part. The projects represent a collaboration between organisations and have the procedures in place for *you* to take part. Each project is available under an open source license, and has been reviewed for code ownership giving you the confidence to download and participate. Each project is stable with a history of releases and documentation being made available; and stable in terms of a broad based of developer support and funding.

We take pride in these projects and consider them a role model for how open source is done! Don't take our word for it; the results of our incubation process are available allowing you to review the background of these projects before investing your money and time."

Rant mode off: Our job as a committee is to allow the foundation to make the above assertion.

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