[Incubator] work piling up? here is an idea

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 01:21:26 PDT 2012

I am doubling back to a couple of recent ideas…  

1) Bob recommended putting the incubation process into stages. While I do not think incubation is takes much extra work for an established project, it would help make the work feel lighter and more rewarding :-)  Plus I think video game achievements are great …
2) Bob also had an idea of working the checklist into a grid (especially with respect to where help is available).
3) I had the idea of projects that are stuck waiting for a mentor solving the problem by "swapping" (you mentor my project I will mentor yours)
4) I noticed that our current wiki list of projects is already clearly marked into steps …

gvSIG: gvSIG Incubation Status (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_Incubation_Status) | gvSIG Provenance Review (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_Provenance_Review)
GeoServer: [OSGEO incubation Status (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/OSGEO+incubation+questionnaire)]
GeoMoose: GeoMoose Incubation Status (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoMoose_Incubation_Status)
MetaCRS: MetaCRS Incubation Status (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MetaCRS_Incubation_Status) | MetaCRS Provenance Review (http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php?title=MetaCRS_Provenance_Review&action=edit&redlink=1)
rasdaman: rasdaman Incubation Status (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Rasdaman_Incubation_Status)

5) Finally I think we can reach out to other committees (we already have a good relationship with SAC and Marketting, and that is clearly shown on our checklist)

6) We have a number of projects with great proposals waiting for a mentor  

Putting those ideas together here is what I got for "stages"… and please jump in and refine this idea.

Incubation: Approved
- List the projects with a proposal that has been approved … and are just waiting for a mentor
- I view this as an essential outreach effort in fostering new projects, and do not like the incubation committee acting as a bottleneck

REWARD: Text link from OSgeo Website along the lines of "Volunteer for the incubation committee. These projects are waiting to enter OSGeo ..."

Incubation: Incubation
- Projects that have completed their Status information .. and may still be looking for a mentor
- The status page gathers details for SAC, and a minimal amount of information for the Marketting committee
- OSGeo Incubation logo on their homepage, linking to http://www.osgeo.org/incubator/index.html to explain what incubation means
REWARD:  text *link* from the website to the marketing committee project details page (or OSGeo live page which is often better)

Incubation: Complete
- Projects that have finished their Provence Review, and have adopted an open development model for public participation
- Can still be working through the rest of the checklist as they make contact with the different OSGeo committees  
- Project has a mentor going through the checklist with the goal of recommending the project for "graduation"
- Frankly this is the first point where OSGeo as a Foundation can actually recommend a project meets our expectations
- OSGeo Project logo on their homepage (with the subtext "incubation")
REWARD: project logo on the website under an incubation category, perhaps grated out?

OSGeo: Project
- completed the incubation checklist, recommended to the board for graduation, etc...
- approved by the board, project officer, etc..
REWARD: colour logo on the webpage, sorted into the appropriate software category

Jody Garnett

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