[Incubator] Geoserver Ready for Graduation

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 05:56:20 PST 2013

Do you want to turn that into a motion Landon? 

Jody Garnett

On Tuesday, 5 February 2013 at 1:22 PM, Landon Blake wrote:

> Incubation Committee:
> Based on my review the Geoserver Project is now ready to graduate from
> the OSGeo incubation process. (Please see the links below.)
> I'm not sure if there is a need for any official action to make this
> happen. I'm more than willing to answer any questions other committee
> members have about the status of the Geoserver Project. As far as I
> can tell, they've checked all of the boxes. (We are in the process of
> wrapping up the selection of the project officer.)
> This is my first time helping a project through incubation, so please
> let me know if I have missed something.
> Landon
> Links:
> - GSIP 38 - Join Open Source Geospatial Foundation
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GSIP+38+-+Join+Open+Source+Geospatial+Foundation)
> - GeoServer Incubation Checklist
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Incubation+Checklist)
> - GeoServer Provenance Review
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Provenance+Review)
> - GeoServer Incubation Status
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Incubation+Status)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com (mailto:jody.garnett at gmail.com)>
> Date: Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 3:34 PM
> Subject: Incubation - Looks like we are ready
> To: Landon Blake <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com (mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com)>
> Cc: Geoserver-devel <geoserver-devel at lists.sourceforge.net (mailto:geoserver-devel at lists.sourceforge.net)>
> Morning Landon:
> So with our review complete, and last week's change of documentation
> license finishing off the check list, it looks like we are ready :-)
> Although GeoServer has finished off all the issues that came up during
> the review, strictly speaking we do not demand this of projects (it is
> enough just to have them listed).
> Links:
> - GSIP 38 - Join Open Source Geospatial Foundation
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GSIP+38+-+Join+Open+Source+Geospatial+Foundation)
> - GeoServer Incubation Checklist
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Incubation+Checklist)
> - GeoServer Provenance Review
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Provenance+Review)
> - GeoServer Incubation Status
> (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Incubation+Status)
> Only thing we are missing is a project officer, I nominate Andrea (in
> addition to being great, he also is already on the board at osgeo.org (mailto:board at osgeo.org)
> email list).
> -- 
> Jody Garnett
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