[Incubator] Changes on gvSIG incubation

Manuel Madrid mmadrid at gvsig.com
Tue Mar 26 01:34:19 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I am glad to communicate that Dimitris Kotzinos will be the mentor of
the gvSIG project in the last phase of the incubation process.

We expect to start the code review in a few weeks and we really hope to
have gvSIG finally graduated in some months.

I would like to specially thank Landon and Cameron for their support.

I also would like to thank Jeroen and Jorge, again, for the time and
effort they spent in this issue along the latest years.

Kind regards,

El 21/02/13 00:18, Landon Blake escribió:
> Manuel:
> I'm a Java guy, and I know a bit about gvSIG from my work on OpenJUMP,
> so I can mentor gvSIG once I get Geoserver through incubation. I'll
> keep you posted.
> Landon
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Manuel:
>> Please feel free to email the incubation list if you run into any questions,
>> and we very much look forward to seeing gvSIG progress through incubation.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Tuesday, 19 February 2013 at 3:14 AM, Manuel Madrid wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Let me introduce myself: my name is Manuel Madrid, I am currently the
>> product and testing manager of the gvSIG project and I am replacing
>> Jorge Sanz as the gvSIG contact person for the incubation process.
>> As Jorge stated in his mail, the code review (which is actually the only
>> pending task of the incubation process) will start as soon as gvSIG 2.0
>> final version is released, which is expected within a few weeks. We are
>> now coordinating the reviewing tasks in order to start the work as soon
>> as possible.
>> We don't think not having a mentor is a problem so far. We can work in
>> the code review and when we have the report, then call for a mentor.
>> Finally, I would like to thank Jorge and Jeroen for the time and effort
>> they spent in this issue.
>> Looking forward to see gvSIG in the OSGeo graduated projects list. :)
>> Kind regards,
>> Manuel.
>> El 07/02/13 08:12, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas escribió:
>> El 06/02/13 23:03, Jody Garnett escribió:
>> Thanks to you and Jeroen for moving things along, that is good news with
>> respect to the projects progress.
>> So we can add an agenda item to the next incubation meeting, and we will
>> need to ask for a project mentor. Did you have anyone in mind?
>> Jody
>> I'm afraid I don't have anyone yet.
>> --
>> Manuel Madrid.
>> Product and testing manager.
>> gvSIG project (http://www.gvsig.org).
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Manuel Madrid.
Product and testing manager.
gvSIG project (http://www.gvsig.org).

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