[Incubator] motion passed: osgeo website incubation category

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 21:51:51 PDT 2013

Motion has passed with 6 in favour and none against. I will update ticket #1115.

Initial Motion:

Jody Garnett: "I motion that Incubation Projects remain listed on the OSGeo webpage, under a distinct "incubation" category."


Daniel Morissette: "+1"

For more information see http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1115

Current committee members (if you are not on that page and would like to volunteer please ask):
Bruce Bannerman +1
Landon Blake +1 (actually +2)
Robert Bray
Howard Butler
Arnulf Christl +1
Jody Garnett +1 (initial motion)
Chris Holmes
Dimitris Kotzinos
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
Mark Lucas
Steve Lime
Judit Mays
Jeff McKenn
Daniel Morissette +1 (second)
Markus Neteler
Jorge Sanz
Markus Schneider
Cameron Shorter +1
Paul Spencer
Jeroen Ticheler
Norman Vine
Frank Warmerdam

Jody Garnett

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