[Incubator] [OSGeo-Standards] Fwd: TEAM Engine and CITE infrastructure

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri May 30 05:31:44 PDT 2014

> Hi Jody
> Thank you for your notes. TEAM Engine is already in GitHub and mavenized
> [1]. We are in process of moving the tests form the OGC SVN to GitHub and
> structured them following the maven structure in a way that they can be
> easily invoked (e.g. running mvn test to run a test-suite without the need
> to download and install TEAm Engine). We are also starting to review the
> code for license incompatibilities. We just need a better infrastructure
> for managing issues, plan releases and do continuos integration. I will
> follow up with Eclipse Location tech who have also showed interest in
> helping.

Glad you are getting help, the GitHub issue tracker is not great, but also
not terrible.

You may wish to have a look at what some of the other OSGeo projects (in
terms of notes when looking at license incompatibilities etc...). The
"review" forms the bulk of the hands-on work for OSGeo incubation.  If you
are working with LocationTech they have staff that will do the review for
you, perhaps an email of the result would be sufficient for Justin?

OSGeo and LocationTech stress different aspects of open source software
(and software development in general). It will be good to hear of your

Thank you all for participating in the discussion and your continuous
> support!

Thanks for the software that keeps all these server implementations honest

Aside: I think I worked on your maven branch, and a prototype proxy server,
aimed at keeping the client implementations honest. Would love to see that
 reach the light of day as clients can really use more help and recognition.

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