[Incubator] Update from FOSS4G and OGC TC

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 15:16:03 PDT 2014

A couple links:

* http://www.slideshare.net/jgarnett/osgeo-incubation-39305709
* http://vimeo.com/106231397

The slides have been updated to reflect:

* Conversations with pycsw during AGM and code sprint
* Catching up with CITE TEAM Engine and OGC Staff at the TC meeting in

- I had a good time putting together the presentation, it comes across more
as promotion for OSGeo (yay foundation) then strictly about incubation
- Some minor technical difficulties with the mic.
- Not very well attended - OSGeo foundation is not of broad interest in a
mapping conference
- Not sure what to make of osgeo-discuss this week - perhaps OSGeo
incubation is of interest
- Had more luck with Q&A during the AGM and Code Sprint (sorry for missing
Jody Garnett
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