[Incubator] motion gvSig graduation

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sun Nov 22 01:54:18 PST 2015

Hi Manuel, Alvaro, Dimitris,

In anticipation of the Board's vote, I started a draft of a press 
release for this news.  You will notice there is a spot near the end for 
a quote from the gvSIG PSC, can you please edit this page and add a 
quote, and change anything else you need?  Thanks,



On 2015-11-19 9:46 PM, Manuel Madrid wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As Dimitris says, today is a great day for us, the gvSIG team. We've
> been expecting this moment for a very long time. Thank you Jody and the
> rest of committee members. Special thanks to our mentor Dimitris and to
> Jeroen Ticheler and Jorge Sanz who also participated in the process.
> Looking forward to let our community know!! :-)
> Best regards,
> Manuel.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:Re: [Incubator] motion gvSig graduation
> From:Dimitris Kotzinos
> To:incubator at lists.osgeo.org
> CC:
>     Hi Jody,
>     thanks for pushing this and thanks to everybody for responding in time.
>     I think that this is a great moment for gvSIG but yes, let's wait for
>     the validation from the board since they are the ones making the final
>     decision.
>     I would also like to thank the gvSIG team for a great experience while
>     mentoring them through the process! Congrats Alvaro and Manuel!
>     Best regards,
>     Dimitris

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