[Incubator] [otb-developers] Re: OTB gouvernance

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Sat Nov 28 13:52:55 PST 2015

I want to commend you guys on the progress you've made in the incubation
process. I've updated your incubation status page on the OSGeo wiki to note
the following:

1) A project steering committee is now in place and making decisions.
2) Project documentation has been updated to reflect membership in OSGeo.

Here are the next couple of items we need to work on:

1) OSGeo branding of the OTB web site.
2) Code Provenance Review

You asked about suggestions on how to add the OSGeo brand to the OTB web
site. I'd suggest you add a couple of sentences about OSGeo membership to
the bottom of the main paragraph here:

Or you could add an "About" page and talk about the project's membership in
OSGeo there.

I know the Code Provenance Review can be overwhelming. Could we start by
getting a list of current code contributors and a list of the libraries
that are being used by the software?

We can list those items here:

Any chance we can set a goal to have this done by the end of the day on
Friday, December 11th?

If there are other ways I can help, please let me know. You guys are so
close to being finished!


On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 2:13 AM, Manuel Grizonnet <manuel.grizonnet at cnes.fr>

> Hi Landon,
> I have updated the OTB Software guide document to reflect the membership
> in the OSGeo:
> https://git.orfeo-toolbox.org/otb-documents.git/commitdiff/2d2d713b7de126efb10e752a31b58a5ed6d5dd4a
> It corresponds to the item 3 of the incubation application which can now
> be marked as done.
> Best regards,
> Manuel
> Le 27/11/2015 07:07, Landon Blake a écrit :
>> Julien:
>> I got the response this time. I'm not sure why I missed your earlier
>> response and I apologize. I will look over your responses in more detail
>> tomorrow, to see if there are things I can help with.
>> Landon
>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 2:44 AM, Julien Michel <julien.michel at cnes.fr
>> <mailto:julien.michel at cnes.fr>> wrote:
>>     Hi Landon,
>>     There must be some kind of technical issue with the emails, because
>>     according to otb-developers history, I already answered twice to
>>     this message :
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/otb-developers/OTB$20gouvernance/otb-developers/s5kNy7M67Y8
>>     Can you aknowledge that you received this reply ?
>>     Thanks a lot,
>>     Regards,
>>     Julien
>>     Le 14/11/2015 17:36, Landon Blake a écrit :
>>>     Bump...
>>>     On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Landon Blake
>>>     <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         Bump. Any response from the OTB Team from my last e-mail? I'd
>>>         love to push you guys the rest of the way through the
>>>         incubation process.
>>>         Landon
>>>         On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 10:02 PM, Landon Blake
>>>         <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
>>>         <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>             Trying to get back in the game again. :]
>>>             I reviewed the incubation status tonight. I updated your
>>>             application to indicate that a PSC has been formed. Here
>>>             are some other items we can button up next:
>>>             1) Contributor guidelines. These are mentioned briefly on
>>>             the PSC wiki page, but not fleshed out. Are they somewhere
>>>             else? If not, can we work on fleshing them out?
>>>             2) Have we updated the project documents to reflect
>>>             membership in the OSGeo? (This is an item we tabled
>>>             previously.)
>>>             3) Have we updated the project website to reflect
>>>             membership in the OSGeo?
>>>             Then we need to work on the code provenance review. That
>>>             should be the last step or close to the last step.
>>>             Let me know what you think about the items listed. I
>>>             appreciate your patience with my efforts as a mentor.
>>>             Landon
>>>             On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:43 PM, Landon Blake
>>>             <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
>>>             <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>                  Thanks Manuel. I need to check in on our current
>>>                 position in the incubation process. I will try to do
>>>                 this in the next couple of days and will close the
>>>                 loop with you.
>>>                 Landon
>>>                 On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 5:04 AM, Manuel Grizonnet
>>>                 <manuel.grizonnet at cnes.fr
>>>                 <mailto:manuel.grizonnet at cnes.fr>> wrote:
>>>                     Hi Landon,
>>>                     sorry for the late answer.
>>>                     regarding the gouvernance I think that it is
>>>                     working fine.
>>>                     The official PSC have been created:
>>> http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Project_Steering_Committee
>>>                     Decisions are now taken through a standard
>>>                     procedure, discuss on the mailing list and listed
>>>                     on OTB wiki:
>>> http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Summary_of_PSC_Decisions
>>>                     I think that more people will join soon the PSC.
>>>                     Best regards,
>>>                     Manuel
>>>                     On 01/04/2015 05:16, Landon Blake wrote:
>>>>                     Thanks for the update Manuel. Do you guys need
>>>>                     any help, or do you feel like you are making good
>>>>                     progress?
>>>>                     Landon
>>>>                     On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 8:11 AM, Grizonnet Manuel
>>>>                     <Manuel.Grizonnet at cnes.fr
>>>>                     <mailto:Manuel.Grizonnet at cnes.fr>> wrote:
>>>>                         Hi Landon,
>>>>                         FYI if you missed that, we’ve just made an
>>>>                         announcement yesterday regarding the creation
>>>>                         of an official PSC for OTB (new step for OTB
>>>>                         incubation)
>>>>                         _
>>>> https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/steer-me-please/_
>>>>                         It was a long time that we wanted to do it
>>>>                         but we’ve got to take time to clearly explain
>>>>                         the strategy and how it works to the CNES.
>>>>                         Now there is a bootstrap for the PSC with
>>>>                         CNES people involved in the project and we’re
>>>>                         going now to invite and collect applications
>>>>                         for new members and initiate PSC activities.
>>>>                         PSC roles and scope is mostly based on our
>>>>                         felling about what should be the OTB PSC
>>>>                         organization and is also based on existing
>>>>                         PSC in OSGEO like GDAL, QGIS…
>>>>                         Don’t hesitate if you’ve got any questions.
>>>>                         Best regards,
>>>>                         Manuel
>>>                     --
>>>                     Manuel GRIZONNET
>>>     --
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>>     --
>>     Julien MICHEL
>>     CNES - DCT/SI/AP - BPI 1219
>>     18, avenue Edouard Belin
>>     31401 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France
>>     Tel: +33 561 282 894 - Fax: +33 561 283 109
> --
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