[Incubator] gvSIG project graduation

Alvaro Anguix aanguix at gvsig.com
Thu Sep 10 03:20:16 PDT 2015

Hi Daniel,

El 10/09/15 a las 04:12, Daniel Morissette escribió:
> Dear All,
> I started looking into the gvSIG incubation checklist at
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_Incubation_Checklist and am having a
> hard time tracking down info about the Technical Steering Committee.
> The checklist points to
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_Technical_Steering_Committee which in
> turn points to two broken links for the
> [https://gvsig.org/web/working-groups/organizacion gvSIG TSC front
> page] and [https://lists.forge.osor.eu/listinfo/gvsig-desktop-tsc-pub
> public mailing list]
> Can you please review the Incubation Checklist page (and the pages
> that it links to) and make sure all links are working? I'd like to see
> archives of the TSC mailing list showing that decisions are indeed
> made in an open manner and in collaboration with the community on a
> public list and I cannot find that at the moment. I managed to find an
> old TSC archive at
> http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/mailman/listinfo/gvsig-desktop-tsc-pub but
> the most recent posts date from 2013.

Thank you for the feedback!.
You are completely right. In its day, that part was reviewed and
accepted already, so we complete the reviewing tasks that were pending.
And right, there has been enough time to evolve the management of that

Such was the case that we didn't pay attention to these links, and with
the new gvSIG website (www.gvsig.org <http://www.gvsig.org/>), to
consult the contents of the old website, the text “docs” has to be added
to the URL. For example, the link
<https://docs.gvsig.org/web/working-groups/organizacion>)would be:


With the advance of the project we have been correcting issues that we
think they make us to be more efficient. Efficient in the meaning of
eliminating the bureaucratic parts and speed up the decision making. It
has also been possible, in a big part, thank to the professional
structure of the project who works daily for the project. It can be
different to other projects. It makes that the day-to-day decisions can
be made by people of the professional structure (there's an architecture
and development manager, and a product manager). The efficacy has been
notable, and having a meeting every week to make small decisions didn't
make as much as sense. It is thank to the professional structure that
can dedicate all the time to gvSIG.

And the TSC, that is composed of the main developers that are working on
gvSIG, has a meeting after every final version in order to make
decisions for the next version. Currently it is planned to release 2
versions per year (one version in May and another one in December),
although this year it has been an exception because we will release
three versions (gvSIG 2.3 will be released in December). At that meeting
it is decided what to work on for the next version. For example, for
gvSIG 2.3, the next version, it's panned to make the effort to have a
first distribution for MAC OS X and Windows 64 bits. It involves to
change libraries for raster accessing and projections mainly... and we
are working on it now.

And instead of having proceedings, we preferred to advance one more step
and publish the decisions publicly, because the proceedings are not read
by a lot of people. Concretely in our blog. At this way, following the
example of gvSIG 2.3, we announced that decision (this is the link in
English but it was published in Spanish too):


Of course it doesn't mean that gvSIG includes only these changes. We
have to include all the possible functionalities developed by the
community that are integrated with that version (but it's out of the
initial planning and the gvSIG scope of decision).

And there's also some decisions about some objectives at these meetings
that are not carried out at the next version. It is listed at the gvSIG
redmine, at the “whislist” option -the access to this list is also public-:


*In summary:*

We can correct these links, adding “docs”, but it wouldn't make much
sense because now we work in another way, although it was reviewed then.
It's another way that I think it is more open and agile.

We would be able to summarize the information of this e-mail and add it
to the checklist.

And thank you again for reviewing our job!

Alvaro Anguix

gvSIG Association

> Thanks
> Daniel
> On 2015-08-11 1:07 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> General call out to the committee to help review on this one :)
>> -- 
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 28 July 2015 at 04:27, Dimitris Kotzinos <kotzino at gmail.com
>> <mailto:kotzino at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Dear all,
>>     I am happy today to report to the list that the gvSIG project has
>>     fulfilled in my view all the criteria put forward by the OSGeo
>>     Incubation Committee and as the project mentor I support the
>> project's
>>     request for graduation.
>>     gvSIG is one of the healthiest and very active projects around,
>> with a
>>     solid developer and user base. It has been around for a long time
>> and
>>     has done excellent things, the latest being an award at the NASA
>> World
>>     Wind contest received in FOSS4G-Europe in Como, Italy this month.
>>     I had the chance to meet with the gvSIG people at FOSS4G-E in
>> Como and
>>     we finalized the checklist for the project graduation. You can
>> find the
>>     checklist here:
>>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_Incubation_Checklist
>>     The people around gvSIG have responded greatly to all the requests I
>>     made as a mentor, they have gone even beyond that in many occasions,
>>     e.g. by providing live statistics on their developers' activity.
>>     They have gone through a code provenance review, they have user and
>>     developer lists in many languages and they have in place governance
>>     practices that abide with what I would consider proper governance of
>>     open source projects.
>>     I would like to ask the list to take the time and have a look to the
>>     checklist mentioned above and if anything is found out of the order
>>     please let me and Manuel Madrid <mmadrid at gvsig.com
>>     <mailto:mmadrid at gvsig.com>> know.
>>     I would also like to ask Jody to initiate the proper time period for
>>     comments and declare the time for voting when the time comes.
>>     Finally I would like to thank Manuel and Alvaro from the gvSIG
>>     Association for their excellent collaboration and to publicly
>> apologize
>>     to them that sometimes the work load prohibited me to be as
>> available
>>     and responsive as I would like.
>>     Thank you for your attention,
>>     Best regards,
>>     Dimitris
>>     P.S.1: Although the project has made a great effort to provide
>> English
>>     documentation for ... everything, some things might be found in
>> Spanish
>>     (their language of origin), as well as some of the most active
>> lists are
>>     the Spanish ones. I respected that and I let the project take its
>> time
>>     and decide by itself on what to translate and what not.
>>     But I would like to say kudos on their efforts to provide
>> everything in
>>     at least both Spanish and English.
>>     P.S.2: Since during the process we had to switch from the checklist
>>     v.1.0 to v.2.0 of graduation requirements I was wondering what is
>> the
>>     proper way to introduce comments and requests for changes for this.
>>     --
>>     Dimitris Kotzinos
>>     Professor
>>     Head MIDI team
>>     Lab. ETIS (ENSEA/UCP/CNRS UMR 8051)
>>     & Dept. Sciences Informatiques, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
>>     2 av. Adolphe Chauvin
>>     Site Saint Martin, bureau A561
>>     95000 Pontoise
>>     France
>>     phone: +33 13425 2855
>>     e-mail: Dimitrios.Kotzinos at u-cergy.fr
>>     <mailto:Dimitrios.Kotzinos at u-cergy.fr>
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