[Incubator] MOTION: GeoNode Graduation from OSGeo Incubation

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 07:51:41 PDT 2016

As for PSC decision making: I cant really remember the last time we
> ever had any decision that was not essentially unanimous. This is
> largely because a) we all try to discuss things before putting them to
> a vote so that we know how the votes will be cast before they are and
> b) we dont really have anyone in our community who is pendantic and
> makes issues out of every last thing. I think b) may be both a benefit
> and a hinderance to the project. Some times we all just agree to
> "close our eyes and merge" when we might reasonably make an issue
> about things.

So this is more a case of "the psc is there if needed" eh?

I know I often repeat that incubation is capturing
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