[Incubator] MOTION: GeoNode Graduation from OSGeo Incubation
Jody Garnett
jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 08:01:32 PDT 2016
*Active and healthy community*
No real feedback here, a healthy and diverse group.
*Copyright and License*
A few spot checks on provenance review
- IMDbPY 4.9? license ... GPLv2
- click 5.1 ... BSD
- matplotlib 1.3.1 ... matplotlib licens <-- is that open source?
- ... a few more to do here?
Source Files - this section is empty?
- um I am missing something? Did you run into any trouble when checking
files ...
- note you do not have to fix things, we only want a list of any trouble so
interested parties can volunteer
Think I will stop here, happy to help at pub this evening or code sprint
tomorrow :)
Jody Garnett
On 26 August 2016 at 14:57, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just going through this now because it is so exciting ...
> *Open*
> For the contribution docs I am not quite sure they are up to date - I was
> looking at how the CLA was handled during contributing.
> - http://docs.geonode.org/en/latest/organizational/
> contribute/index.html#contrib
> - http://docs.geonode.org/en/latest/organizational/
> contribute/review_process.html - broken [[links]]
> - https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING looks good
> references www.clahub.com, does the link work when doing a pull request?
> - Excellent docs though, and good to credit the github guides.
> David do you have links to a PSC decision or two so we can see how it is
> done? I am curious as what kind of question would cause the community to
> "resort to taking things to the PSC for vote"?
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 25 August 2016 at 17:28, David William Bitner <bitner at dbspatial.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Incubation Committee,
>> As the mentor for GeoNode Incubation, I would like to make a motion to
>> graduate GeoNode from the OSGeo incubation process with Jeff Johnson to act
>> as the Project Officer.
>> You will find the Incubation Checklist at:
>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoNode_Incubation_Checklist
>> During the incubation process much work has been done to solidify the
>> intellectual property behind GeoNode.
>> - copyright was transferred from the now dissolved OpenPlans
>> - a Contributor License Agreement has been adopted and a process
>> created to collect from all contributors
>> - all files have been checked for headers
>> - the release process documentation has been shored up
>> GeoNode has a tremendous "bus quotient" as there are core developers
>> distributed globally. Many of the institutional direct users have developed
>> strong expertise in GeoNode along with many companies that have developed
>> support programs built around GeoNode. There is no single point of failure
>> for this project.
>> The GeoNode has managed to work in the open from inception in a way that
>> has enabled enormous amounts of collaboration both between institutions
>> using GeoNode and companies/individuals providing support for GeoNode.
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> --
>> ************************************
>> David William Bitner
>> dbSpatial LLC
>> 612-424-9932
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