[Incubator] Should "MetaCRS" be dropped from OSGeo Incubation (and maybe also from OSGeo-Live)?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 03:10:20 PST 2016

Hi Jody,
Great to hear there is some activity happening with the CRS libraries.
But the question is not as to whether the projects are active, but 
rather whether there are people within the projects wishing to push 
these projects through the OSGeo Incubation process.

Rob, Martin, any thoughts from you?

I'd suggest we give people a week or 2 to respond, probably try and 
reach out directly as well, and if there are no takers, then we should 
gracefully have these projects step back from the OSGeo Incubation 
process, in order to better reflect the current OSGeo status of these 

Warm regards, Cameron

On 27/02/2016 9:10 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Apaprently there is activity happening around the edges, I was talking 
> with Rob and Martin about one of the metac crs projects.
> MetaCRS is kind of a "top-level" project facilitating communication 
> between a number of different groups. As such it may be able to recast 
> itself as a "committee" (that has a shared github some of their 
> initiatives).
> I think MetaCRS would be a great candidate for an "OSGeo Technology" 
> stream - the stated goal of MetaCRS is to:
>     /"treat a variety of coordinate system activities as one Project
>     from an OSGeo point of view. This helps provide enough "project
>     mass" to justify the full OSGeo project treatment./
> If we set up "OSGeo Technology" right these individual projects will 
> meet their goal of being recognized as the fundamental components that 
> they are (and be supported).
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 26 February 2016 at 11:55, Cameron Shorter 
> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi MetaCRS and OSGeo Incubation people,
>     Has there been any activity on the MetaCRS project [1] over the
>     last few years? The last active ticket I see is from 2013.
>     It is listed as one of the projects in OSGeo-Incubation, and I
>     think has been in incubation from close to the start of OSGeo
>     founding?
>     Is anyone working on it? And in particular, does anyone doing any
>     work on taking Meta-CRS through incubation?
>     I'm wondering whether it should be retired from the incubation
>     process, or maybe the scope of projects it is trying to incubate
>     be reduced?
>     I ask in part because we include a description of MetaCRS in
>     OSGeo-Live, but have no point of contact to maintain documentation
>     since Mike Adair has stepped back from OSGeo activities.
>     [1] https://trac.osgeo.org/metacrs/
>     -- 
>     Cameron Shorter,
>     Software and Data Solutions Manager
>     LISAsoft
>     Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
>     26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
>     P +61 2 9009 5000 <tel:%2B61%202%209009%205000>,  W
>     www.lisasoft.com <http://www.lisasoft.com>,  F +61 2 9009 5099
>     <tel:%2B61%202%209009%205099>
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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