[Incubator] please vote: community projects

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 07:46:38 PDT 2016

Cameron has made the following motion

   - The old "OSGeo Labs" should be renamed to "OSGeo Community Projects"

Current response:

   - Bruce Bannerman
   - Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques
   - Landon Blake
   - Howard Butler
   - Arnulf Christl +1
   - Jody Garnett +1 second
   - Dimitris Kotzinos
   - Tom Kralidis
   - Julien-Samuel Lacroix
   - Mark Lucas
   - Steve Lime +0
   - Daniel Morissette +1
   - Markus Schneider
   - Cameron Shorter +1 initial motion
   - Jeroen Ticheler
   - Norman Vine
   - Frank Warmerdam

Community support:

   - Stephen Woodbridge

Jody Garnett
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