[Incubator] MOTION: GeoNode Graduation from OSGeo Incubation

Bruce Bannerman bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 17:40:34 PDT 2016



> From: Incubator <incubator-bounces at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:incubator-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> on behalf of David William Bitner <bitner at dbspatial.com <mailto:bitner at dbspatial.com>>
> Sent: Tuesday, 25 October 2016 3:41 AM
> To: incubator at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:incubator at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: Re: [Incubator] MOTION: GeoNode Graduation from OSGeo Incubation
> Huge Thanks to Angelos for addressing the concerns that have been brought up as part of this final review.
> Here is the current status on votes:
> Bruce Bannerman
> Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques +1
> Landon Blake +1
> Howard Butler
> Arnulf Christl +1
> Jody Garnett (chair) +0
> Dimitris Kotzinos
> Tom Kralidis +1
> Julien-Samuel Lacroix +1
> Mark Lucas
> Steve Lime +1
> Daniel Morissette +1
> Markus Schneider
> Cameron Shorter -1
> Jeroen Ticheler +1
> Norman Vine
> Frank Warmerdam
> Currently we stand at eight +1 votes, one +0 and one -1. Cameron and Jody, have the issues you brought up been addressed now? If so, Jody, can we close this vote out? 
> David
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