[Incubator] [Live-demo] Unifying alt & target links on OSGeo Live

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 18:42:23 PDT 2017

Thanks, now we can see the results online:

- http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/overview/qgis_overview.html

Jody Garnett

On 6 July 2017 at 12:29, Vicky Vergara <vicky at georepublic.de> wrote:

> Hello Incubator list
> I made the changes. Details are on the PR
> Please verify. (300+ files changed)
> https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/pull/259
> Thanks Vicky
> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Going to do a quick to the incubation list.
>> The OSGeo Live project is being an early adopter of branding, so they are
>> hitting some questions we should talk about here.
>> For me, its "easy" to do massive changes, what I don't understand, I can
>> leave in English,
>>> what shall it be? This is what I think:
>>> .. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>>   :scale: 100
>>>   :alt: OSGeo Project
>>>   :align: right
>>>   :target: http://www.osgeo.org
>> That is correct, in the future when we have a better web page to link for
>> each project.
>> ​Also not mentioned in the issue are the results of the other command about incubation projects:
>>> Some examples:
>>> .. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>>>   :scale: 100 %
>>>   :alt: OSGeo Project
>>>   :align: right
>>>   :target: http://www.osgeo.org/incubator/process/principles.html
>> I just quickly bulk changed all "incubating projects" to "community
>> projects". We do not have a great target URL right now. The text is
>> inconsistent (so maybe we  need to check which project is being described).
>> I expect it should read:
>> .. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>>   :scale: 100 %
>>   :alt: OSGeo Community Project
>>   :align: right
>>   :target: http://www.osgeo.org
>>  And then for the next one, all incubation projects are bulk changed to
>> community projects.
>> .. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>>>   :scale: 100
>>>   :alt: OSGeo Incubation Project
>>>   :align: right
>>>   :target: http://www.osgeo.org
>> So the text should be:
>> .. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>>   :scale: 100
>>   :alt: OSGeo Community Project
>>   :align: right
>>   :target: http://www.osgeo.org
>>> Leaving the link to the main page, because of the site changes.
>>> (don't want to risk a broken link, specially that OSGeo live is annual
>>> now).
>> Agreed, we will link to the website until we get something better.
>> There are also mismatches on the logo that the project has between
>>> languages.
>>> I think is because translators focus their efforts on non translated
>>> files, and never noticed the logo changed on an already translated file.
>> Yes I saw a lot of that, in may cases geoserver was marked as "community"
>> even though it graduated some years ago.
>> The main website (http://www.osgeo.org) is your best list of what has
>> graduated.
>> Using the OSGeo_project logo:
>>> en/overview/deegree_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/gdal_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/geomajas_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/geomoose_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/geonetwork_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/geos_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/geoserver_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/geotools_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/grass_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.pn
>>> g
>>> en/overview/gvsig_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.pn
>>> g
>>> en/overview/mapbender_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/mapfish_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/mapguide_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/mapserver_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/marble_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/openlayers_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/ossim_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.pn
>>> g
>>> en/overview/postgis_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/pycsw_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.pn
>>> g
>>> en/overview/qgis_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/overview/tinyows_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> en/quickstart/mapserver_quickstart.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>> We are missing the following osgeo projects:
>> - geonode
>> - fdo
>> - Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) <-- should graduate whenever the board acts on my
>> email
>> This project is not an osgeo project:
>> - en/overview/qgis_mapserver_overview.rst:.. image::
>> /images/logos/OSGeo_project.png
>>> Using the OSGeo_community logo:
>>> en/overview/istsos_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>>> en/overview/pywps_overview.rst:.. image:: /images/logos/OSGeo_community.
>>> png
>>> en/overview/zoo-project_overview.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>>> en/quickstart/proj4_quickstart.rst:.. image::
>>> ../../images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>>> en/quickstart/pywps_quickstart.rst:.. image::
>>> /images/logos/OSGeo_community.png
>> There are also several more community projects (not sure if any of these
>> are on osgeo live):
>> - team engine
>> - Geoinformatica
>> - GeoWebCache
>> - MapProxy
>> - pgRouting
>> - Postal Address Geo-Coder
>> - Virtual Terrain Project
> --
> Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
> Salzmannstraße 44,
> 81739 München, Germany
> Vicky Vergara
> Operations Research
> eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
> Web: https://georepublic.info
> Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
> Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9
> Commercial register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 181428
> CEO: Daniel Kastl
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