[Incubator] motion: accept osgeo-live incubation application

Dimitris Kotzinos kotzino at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 14:37:27 PDT 2017

Hi all,

here is my vote and a question.
I am very happy that OSGeo-Live wants to go through incubation and I am
sure that it will graduate fast, but I wonder since it is listed under
initiatives by the board (please see Jody's last message in
discuss-list), do we have the right to put it in incubation?
Again, I clearly repeat that this is not to by any means question the
quality and the capabilities of OSGeo-Live (I think it has been one of
the best OSGEO ambassadors) and the people around it for who I have a
huge respect, but to have a discussion in the list of the criteria to
have an OSGeo Project because it might come handy in the future. Also,
this is a good test to see if our graduation checklist holds for cases
like OSGeo-Live, which is more than a software project.
Given that, I will vote

And I am sure that it will be a successful process with Jody as mentor
(for which I do not see at all any conflict, I actually consider it a
plus that he was involved in the past and knows the project).


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