[Incubator] request from zoo-project

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Mon Jul 16 10:05:48 PDT 2018

Dear OSGeo Board and OSGeo Incubator committee members,
I come to you as the PSC Chair of ZOO-Project, for requesting clarification on the following issue occurring to our project.

As the ZOO-Project PSC, we think it is our responsibility to deal with the budget that has been approved by the OSGeo board of directors. It is the reason why we have taken the time to vote on the motion to use the budget allocated to the ZOO-Project for the 2018 year. The vote has occurred publicly and every PSC member has voted +1 [1]. Then, I have asked directly the OSGeo treasurer for the funds to be transferred to the ZOO-Project as it has been done in the past.

In case the rules have changed then, the ZOO-Project PSC (I don’t know if this applies to other projects too) should have been informed of such a change. Indeed, we would have time to make the appropriate actions and avoid proposing workshops or presentations we would not be able to provide due to sudden restrictions in budget, in case you use it to attend a conference hosted by OSGeo.

Also, I would like to make mention that back in 2017 we had made a similar vote by the PSC [2] and the funds were transferred without any interaction with the incubation committee. I think it is the proper way to proceed, have the budget approved by the board then let the project PSC deal with the budget. Anyway, it again happened earlier this year, when we were asking funds for attending the Bonn Code Sprint and proceeded in the exact same way [3].

I would like to especially point out that the ZOO-Project is participating in OSGeo and attends every single FOSS4G for a decade now, where both ZOO-Project workshops and presentations are given. In case the OSGeo Incubation committee thinks it is of no importance to have a representative of the OSGeo projects and/or incubating projects at FOSS4G, then there is no issue with this. Nevertheless, this would require a public clarification.

Thanks for your time and have a great day ahead.

Best regards,

[1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/zoo-psc/2018-July/000740.html
[2] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/zoo-psc/2017-July/thread.html
[3] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/zoo-psc/2018-March/000739.html

Gérald Fenoy

> Le 16 juil. 2018 à 09:13, Dimitris Kotzinos <kotzino at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Jody,
> as the mentor of the ZOO-project, I fully support the request.
> Dimitris
> On 16/07/2018 07:57, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> The treasurer has received a request from the zoo-psc for funding so me
>> travel to foss4g (where some presentations on ZOO-Project and MapMint
>> are taking place):
>> * https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/zoo-psc/2018-July/000749.html 
>> Reminder ZOO-Project, along with several other community projects, made
>> budget requests here:
>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2018#Community_Projects
>> ZOO-Project has not completed graduation and does not have an officer of
>> their own, so I guess this falls on me as incubation chair to make the
>> request on behalf of the ZOO-Project PSC.
>> /As incubation chair this looks fine, the ZOO-Project is both planning
>> ahead with a budget request, and making use of the funding in a
>> productive fashion. I kind of wish many of our other projects were as
>> engaged./
>> I am happy to make the request, I will give it 24 hours in case any
>> ZOO-Project PSC members, or incubation committee members, wish to
>> provide input.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
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