[Incubator] Motion: Recognize GeoServer PHP Client as part oftheOSGeocommunity program

Alessio Vertemati alessio.vertemati at oneofftech.xyz
Tue Mar 5 23:53:43 PST 2019

Great, I’ve added as a draft the GeoServer Client PHP project page and also OneOffTech as service provider. 

Alessio Vertemati
OneOff-Tech developer

From: Jody Garnett
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 07:48
To: Alessio Vertemati
Cc: OSGeo-incubator
Subject: Re: Motion: Recognize GeoServer PHP Client as part oftheOSGeocommunity program

Perfect, I have now given you a few more roles:
- project project events and news announcements:  author, contributor, editor
- for the project page: project author (ask incubation committee for review and publishing)
- for service provider: service provided author (ask marketing committee for review and publishing)

For more information on what these roles do: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Website

I don't have a great step-by-step example for projects yet, but the page for service providers (Add service provider) is pretty good.
The notes we do have are here (Add open source project to website) on the incubation committee page.

On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 11:44 PM Alessio Vertemati <alessio.vertemati at oneofftech.xyz> wrote:
Ok, I now have an OSGeo user id: alessiovertemati. I logged in OSGeo.org and I see my profile and the media section (I guess the role is subscriber).
Alessio Vertemati
OneOff-Tech developer
From: Jody Garnett
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 07:51
To: Alessio Vertemati
Cc: OSGeo-incubator
Subject: Re: Motion: Recognize GeoServer PHP Client as part of theOSGeocommunity program
Sure, please sign up for an OSGeo userid:
• https://www.osgeo.org/community/getting-started-osgeo/osgeo_userid/
And then login to Wordpress and return here for further instructions.
Jody Garnett
On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 23:33, Alessio Vertemati <alessio.vertemati at oneofftech.xyz> wrote:
Yes sure, could you give me hints on how to do it and where?
Alessio Vertemati
OneOff-Tech developer
From: Jody Garnett
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 01:35
To: OSGeo-incubator; Alessio Vertemati
Subject: Re: Motion: Recognize GeoServer PHP Client as part of the OSGeocommunity program
Alessio can I ask you to set up an OSGeo project page for the project, we would like to be able to share this news with the wider OSGeo community.

Jody Garnett
On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 16:32, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
Motion was: Recognize GeoServer PHP Client as included in OSGeo Community program.
For the record here are the votes, meeting our 50% response rate for quorum:
•       Bruce Bannerman +1 second
•       Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques +0
•       Landon Blake
•       Howard Butler
•       Arnulf Christl +1
•       Jo Cook +1
•       Jody Garnett +1 initial motion
•       Dimitris Kotzinos
•       Tom Kralidis +1
•       Julien-Samuel Lacroix
•       Mark Lucas +1
•       Steve Lime +1
•       Daniel Morissette +1
•       Markus Schneider
•       Cameron Shorter +0
•       Norman Vine
•       Frank Warmerdam
Welcome to OSGeo GeoServer PHP Client :)
Jody Garnett

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