[Incubator] OSGeo4W project page on the new website

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 02:42:48 PST 2019

This question was answered during OSGeoLive incubation process: the 
incubating source code was the setup tools to build the iso, not the 
included software in the iso (if that was the case we would need to 
incubate all projects in OSGeoLive first).

On 11/29/19 5:45 PM, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:
>>>     OSGeo4W itself only has two applications, pkg-setup and pkg-apt. All others are simply convenient re-packaging of projects from elsewhere.
>> Nice, so what is the license of pkg-setup and pkg-apt ?
> it is the question:
> * should the mentioned licence be about the software you're using with OSGeo4W, i.e. GDAL, PROJ, GRASS GIS, SQLITE etc?
> * or should the mentioned license be about pkg-setup and pkg-apt?
> IMHO it should be about GDAL, PROJ, GRASS GIS, SQLITE, etc.; and these are various.
> kind regards
> Helmut
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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