[Incubator] MobilityDB

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 00:27:16 PDT 2020

Mahmound, we seem to be having a similar conversation as some weeks ago.

The incubation committee does 3 things:

(a) Helps check projects are open source for the website (you did this part)
(b) Helps check projects for the "community" program being run by the board
(c) Connects projects up with a mentor to go through an incubation
process (at the end of which they become an osgeo committee)

So my understanding is you are now on step (b) - previously you could not
do this as you were not yet listed on the website. Do you want to look at
and see what needs to be done next?

Aside: The vast majority of applicants to the incubation program are not
successful, both as it is difficult for us to find a mentor, and as
projects consistently do not meet our requirements (which cover a mix of
technical and business requirements).
Jody Garnett

On Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 00:44, Mahmoud SAKR <mahmoud.sakr at ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> Hi Jihan, Jody, incubator committee,
> We checked with Moritz Lennert, and ULB is not yet in GeoForAll. We would
> definitely want to join, as our goals are quite aligned. This one TODO for
> the near future. It is worth mentioning, for example, that the FOSDEM
> conference is annually hosted in our campus.
> Please advise on the status of MobilityDB OSGeo incubation. Is there
> something to do on our side for the moment ?
> Best regards,
> Mahmoud SAKR
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 12:10 PM Johan Van de Wauw <
> johan.vandewauw at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Mahmoud,
>> Definitely check with Moritz Lennert. Their institute (igeat, also ULB)
>> might already be part of geo4all.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jihan
>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020, 09:36 Mahmoud SAKR <mahmoud.sakr at ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> Awesome, thanks Jody !
>>> Thanks also for pointing us to GeoForAll. We will check how to be part
>>> of it.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mahmoud SAKR
>>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 8:48 AM Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Good discussion, comments inline:
>>>>>>    - photo: do you have a photo of your team?
>>>>>> Alas we don't have a photo ready, and because of COVID it is
>>>>> difficult to make one now. For now, the section "Who's involved" partially
>>>>> compensates for it, as it lists all developers and PSC members.
>>>> I understand, wonder if we are going to have to take screen snaps of
>>>> video chats soon :)
>>>>>>    - content / images: looks good, usually we put a border on the
>>>>>>    images (like a laptop or browser window)
>>>>>> Because MobilityDB is a database system, it doesn't have visual
>>>>> components. We visualize the data and the query results in any PostgreSQL
>>>>> client (pgAdmin, QGIS, etc). For instance, the images in this section are
>>>>> done in QGIS. We avoid using the client interface as a border, because it
>>>>> could be misleading. Readers may wrongly think that MobilityDB is part of
>>>>> QGIS, for example.
>>>> Understood, I should probably make a simple black frame for this kind
>>>> of use. Thanks for the background.
>>>>>>    - project type / topic / level 1 / level 2: this information is
>>>>>>    needed if your project is to be found on the website choose a
>>>>>>    project <https://www.osgeo.org/choose-a-project/> guide
>>>>>> Done.
>>>> Thanks that is working great, I was able to find your project.
>>>>>>    - standards / development : please fill in
>>>>>> We would have liked to see in the list:
>>>>> - ISO19141 Geographic information — Schema for moving features (
>>>>> https://www.iso.org/standard/41445.html).
>>>>> - OGC Moving Features (https://www.ogc.org/standards/movingfeatures)
>>>>> For now, we choose OGC, without a specific standard.
>>>> I think you can add new standards as you go? I will add those two for
>>>> you now....
>>>> MobilityDB is mainly developed and supported by an academic team in
>>>>> Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Would this qualify ULB to be a service
>>>>> provider ? Otherwise, there is no service provider yet.
>>>> OSGeo has the idea of GeoForAll Labs for academic and research teams.
>>>> Is your team part of GeoForAll?
>>>>>>    - communication:  any twitter, stack exachange tag, anything?
>>>>>> Thanks for insisting. We have created a twitter account. Indeed so
>>>>> far we are not active on social media, but we should. (
>>>>> https://twitter.com/mobilitydb)
>>>> Nice work! Even just for releases and stuff it is helpful.
>>>>> Thanks. We are so happy that you like it !
>>>> :)
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