[Incubator] Application for OSGeo Community Project - ETF testing framework

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 16:43:44 PDT 2022

Actually it did not publish, not sure what is up :(
Jody Garnett

On Tue, 5 Jul 2022 at 16:36, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks! Published -
> Note I changed the project type to none, as your project has not yet been
> reviewed and recommended to the osgeo board for acceptance to that program.
> Now that your project is on the website we should be able to review...
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On Mon, 4 Jul 2022 at 09:40, MINGHINI Marco <Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu>
> wrote:
>> Dear Jody,
>> thank you for getting back to us.
>>    1. Logo was changed, please let me know if this is ok.
>>    2. I removed "open source" (which was obvious) and now the initial
>>    sentence "ETF is a testing framework for validating data and APIs in
>>    Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs)" should (almost) all be visible,
>>    which is great because it tells what the sw does. Thanks for the hint.
>>    3. We would leave it as is now, but good to know (for future updates).
>> Please let us know if anything else is needed from our side.
>> Best regards,
>> Marco
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* 01 July 2022 17:37
>> *Cc:* incubator at lists.osgeo.org; Jon Herrmann; Clemens Portele; LUTZ
>> Michael (JRC-ISPRA); José Enrique Soriano Sevilla; CIRA Pierpaolo
>> *Subject:* Re: [Incubator] Application for OSGeo Community Project - ETF
>> testing framework
>> Checking your page:
>> 1. Nice logo :) Please use the white background to construct a tile of
>> the appropriate size (if not our website does not look good)
>> 2. The initial blurb may be too long for the project summary page (see
>> https://www.osgeo.org/projects/
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.osgeo.org/projects/__;!!DOxrgLBm!A42ERRV71VmuN7AfYnNu37JVZzFFdkekBm3POx8h8Df6MhhmfnZv_NGD_UWW3-MlT98pLsd3v_gt29pJn_DVwvyTlLdG2Q$>
>> for example). Try for a sentence fragment or tagline - you do not even have
>> enough space for a sentence.
>> 3. Love the screen shot, it is so important for folks to see what they
>> are going to be doing. If appropriate you can surround in a browser frame
>> or laptop frame similar to (
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/tree/master/marketing/photos
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/tree/master/marketing/photos__;!!DOxrgLBm!A42ERRV71VmuN7AfYnNu37JVZzFFdkekBm3POx8h8Df6MhhmfnZv_NGD_UWW3-MlT98pLsd3v_gt29pJn_DVwvxPLKeunw$>
>> ).
>> If you can fix the logo I am happy to publish.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Mon, 20 Jun 2022 at 05:26, MINGHINI Marco <Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Jody, all,
>>> the page about the ETF on the OSGeo website is now ready for review and
>>> publication. You can find it as a draft page in the *Projects *section
>>> (permalink: https://www.osgeo.org/projects/etf/
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.osgeo.org/?post_type=project&p=18897&preview=true__;!!DOxrgLBm!A42ERRV71VmuN7AfYnNu37JVZzFFdkekBm3POx8h8Df6MhhmfnZv_NGD_UWW3-MlT98pLsd3v_gt29pJn_DVwvyZxGHuMg$>).
>>> The guide you suggested was useful!
>>> From the discussion with the ETF Steering Group on the creation of this
>>> page, I collected some suggestions for potential improvement:
>>> - in the list of options under the menu *Topic*, you may want to add
>>> somewhere "Validation" (for example under *Analysis and Processing*).
>>> This would be also useful for the TEAM Engine, which is already an OSGeo
>>> Project;
>>> - in the list of *Standards*, you may want to add "ISO 19105" under the *
>>> ISO* menu.
>>> Finally, I'm happy to share with you that the talk on the ETF we
>>> submitted to FOSS4G 2022 was included in the main program that has just
>>> been published (on Friday 26 August at 11:30).
>>> Please let us know if any change or additional information is needed
>>> from us.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marco - on behalf of the ETF Steering Group
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* 16 May 2022 19:23:01
>>> *To:* MINGHINI Marco (JRC-ISPRA)
>>> *Cc:* Jon Herrmann; Clemens Portele; LUTZ Michael (JRC-ISPRA); José
>>> Enrique Soriano Sevilla; incubator at lists.osgeo.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Incubator] Application for OSGeo Community Project -
>>> ETF testing framework
>>> Excellent, you should be able to create a page now, let us know when it
>>> is ready and we can review and publish.
>>> I am sorry there are not any *great* guides on how to make a page; the
>>> best I have is this one for setting up a service provider:
>>> https://www.osgeo.org/community/getting-started-osgeo/add-service-provider/
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.osgeo.org/community/getting-started-osgeo/add-service-provider/__;!!DOxrgLBm!BWR_GtUuaY1I8yUZ-qL6McHKXcwYhLLfdKSXOwwpcEs_-8tmMlSadFljFny0KR-ouhcyoZW8yW-_ZjtuNBrFx8z0zadajw$>
>>> --
>>> Jody Garnett
>>> On May 12, 2022 at 7:48:10 AM, MINGHINI Marco <
>>> Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu> wrote:
>>>> Dear Jody,
>>>> apologies for the late reply. Yes, I have an OSGeo user id from the
>>>> past: "MarcoMinghini". Could you grant permissions and send me some
>>>> instructions on how to create the project page?
>>>> Thank you and best regards,
>>>> Marco
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
>>>> *Sent:* 14 April 2022 18:27:36
>>>> *To:* MINGHINI Marco (JRC-ISPRA)
>>>> *Cc:* Jon Herrmann; Clemens Portele; LUTZ Michael (JRC-ISPRA); José
>>>> Enrique Soriano Sevilla; incubator at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Incubator] Application for OSGeo Community Project -
>>>> ETF testing framework
>>>> Thank you for the clear well prepared proposal.
>>>> Let's start with getting listed on the osgeo website do you have an
>>>> osgeo user id (please create one here
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/create__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyNDqWxeXA$>,
>>>> and login to the osgeo.org
>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://osgeo.org__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyMpbAWkug$> once,
>>>> then reply to this email with your osgeo user id, then we can grant
>>>> permissions to make a project page).
>>>> --
>>>> Jody Garnett
>>>> On Apr 14, 2022 at 3:41:38 AM, MINGHINI Marco <
>>>> Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu> wrote:
>>>>> Dear OSGeo Incubation Committee,
>>>>> I am happy to contact you to propose a new project, the ETF testing
>>>>> framework, as an OSGeo Community Project.
>>>>> The ETF testing framework [1,2] is an open source testing framework
>>>>> for validating spatial data, metadata and web services in Spatial Data
>>>>> Infrastructures (SDIs). The concepts in ETF are based on ISO 19105
>>>>> and the OGC Specification Model which underpin the standards used in SDIs.
>>>>> Tests are organized in Executable Test Suites (ETS), which can be developed
>>>>> and executed using different tools to support all kinds of resources.
>>>>> Currently supported ones are SoapUI for testing web services, BaseX for
>>>>> testing XML documents, and TEAM Engine for re-using OGC tests. The ETF can
>>>>> be used via a predefined UI or via a REST API.
>>>>> Many implementations of the ETF are currently available. The most
>>>>> popular is probably the INSPIRE Reference Validator [3], which makes use of
>>>>> the ETF to execute INSPIRE-specific ETS. Several EU Member States are also
>>>>> using the ETF (at different levels: national, regional and local) to
>>>>> replicate the INSPIRE-specific tests and/or extend them with other tests
>>>>> based on national or other requirements.
>>>>> The ETF has been already presented at FOSS4G conferences:
>>>>>    - FOSS4G 2019: INSPIRE Reference Validator: status and next steps by
>>>>>    Marco Minghini, Michael Lutz, Clemens Portele, Jon Herrmann, Enrique
>>>>>    Soriano, Carlos Palma, Iñaki Díaz de Cerio Paniagua, Belén Sáez, Lorena
>>>>>    Hernandez, Daniele Francioli, Fabio Vinci
>>>>>    - FOSS4G 2021: *Open source geospatial software powering policy
>>>>>    implementation: the INSPIRE central infrastructure components* by Marco
>>>>>    Minghini, Alexander Kotsev, Vlado Cetl, Lorena Hernandez, Michael Lutz,
>>>>>    Daniele Francioli, Davide Artasensi, Emanuela Epure, Fabio Vinci, Fabiano
>>>>>    Spinelli, Lukasz Ziemba (
>>>>>    https://callforpapers.2021.foss4g.org/foss4g2021/talk/ZKRWYN/
>>>>>    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://callforpapers.2021.foss4g.org/foss4g2021/talk/ZKRWYN/__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyME_6fb9A$>
>>>>>    )
>>>>>    - FOSS4G 2022: *ETF testing framework: past, present and future *by
>>>>>    Jon Herrmann, Marco Minghini, Clemens Portele, Michael Lutz
>>>>>    (submitted and currently under review)
>>>>> We are also preparing an application to include the ETF in the next
>>>>> version of the OSGeoLive.
>>>>> Regarding the checklist for OSGeo Community Projects [4]:
>>>>> 1. The project is geospatial, see the project description at [1] and
>>>>> [5].
>>>>>    - the project does not yet have a page on the OSGeo website, we
>>>>>    understand that this is the first step
>>>>>    - the project provides documentation for users [6] administrators
>>>>>    [7] and developers [8].
>>>>> 2. The project is licensed under the EUPL v.1.2, see [9].
>>>>> 3. The project welcomes participation and new contributors:
>>>>>    - contribution policy: [10]
>>>>>    - history of bug reports and pull requests can be found on the
>>>>>    repositories under [2], especially on [5].
>>>>>    - code of conduct: [11]
>>>>> We are available to answer any question and provide any useful
>>>>> information to proceed with the next steps.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Marco - on behalf of the ETF Steering Group
>>>>> [1] http://etf-validator.net
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://etf-validator.net/__;!!DOxrgLBm!UvR1kftQcLgI0pIHnKKusY23bweSMhF9CdWZjAsWPgY49H9cK9Rs5HIqNIO4Ob1On0UqAiU$>
>>>>> [2] https://github.com/etf-validator
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyMmtAqZXQ$>
>>>>> [3] https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/validator/
>>>>> [4] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Projects
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Projects__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyMT80x_JQ$>
>>>>> [5] https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyMIF3xFzg$>
>>>>> [6] http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html#_user_manuals
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html*_user_manuals__;Iw!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyOrpl0lKA$>
>>>>> [7]
>>>>> http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html#_administrator_manuals
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html*_administrator_manuals__;Iw!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyNuIamq5A$>
>>>>> [8] http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html#_developer_manuals
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html*_developer_manuals__;Iw!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyP8xJw5Ww$>
>>>>> [9] https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/blob/master/LICENSE
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/blob/master/LICENSE__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyPLJKHntg$>
>>>>> [10]
>>>>> https://github.com/etf-validator/governance/blob/master/TOR/Contribution.md
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/governance/blob/master/TOR/Contribution.md__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyNkEGcLsg$>
>>>>> [11]
>>>>> https://github.com/guadaltel/governance/blob/8791bedab49372132c2814b95837b4401bfaee5e/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc
>>>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/guadaltel/governance/blob/8791bedab49372132c2814b95837b4401bfaee5e/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc__;!!DOxrgLBm!ATzLoBqhKGychF44YSJ8XI-z88iWXEe1GPR0nyn1DOoSDlTdfDHrSumBRyVBcOgiMbQjuQ0QCQlrOh6qNFU8tyPBQSWm-g$>
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Incubator mailing list
>>>>> Incubator at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/incubator
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