[Incubator] recommend ZOO-Project for graduation

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 11:12:05 PDT 2023

 Woot! +1 and congrats to the zoo team :) And thanks to Gérald for
volunteering as project officer

A couple note:

Project Graduation Checklist:

   - Open communication, the link to
   https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/zoo-project is broken, looks
   like ZOO-discuss <https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/zoo-discuss>
    and ZOO-PSC <https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/zoo-psc> are the

   - Release procedure
   <https://zoo-project.github.io/docs/contribute/release.html> mentions
   https://slashgeo.org (I had forgotten about slashgeo!)

   - Code of conduct links to OSGeo Code of Conduct
   <https://www.osgeo.org/resources/osgeo-code-of-conduct/> which is no
   longer maintained (the page https://www.osgeo.org/code_of_conduct/
   Contributor Covenant for open source project teams that do not wish to
   maintain their own)

   - Documentation:
      - missing link to user docs? Assume
      https://zoo-project.github.io/docs/index.html  would be sufficient?
      - Missing "guide a new user" docs? Is there a QuickStart? Maybe from
      https://live.osgeo.org/en/quickstart/zoo-project_quickstart.html ?
      - Developer docs? Assume it is this

Project Provenance Review:

Impressive all clear, that is rare :)
Jody Garnett

On Jun 1, 2023 at 12:41:19 PM, Tom Kralidis <tomkralidis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all: as mentor of the ZOO-Project I recommend that the project graduates as an official OSGeo project.
> Key documents:
> - Project Graduation Checklist:https://github.com/ZOO-Project/ZOO-Project/wiki/ProjectGraduationChecklist
> - Project Provenance Review:https://github.com/ZOO-Project/ZOO-Project/wiki/ProvenanceReview
> The ZOO-Project project is a longstanding effort with a stable global community in support
> of a robust platform supporting OGC standards (WPS, OGC API - Processes)
> for geospatial processing pipelines. The project/community continues to evolve via code sprints, PSC
> (aka the ZOO Tribal Council) meetings and other activities [1].
> We need 50% of the committee to cast votes; I’ve included the current
> membership below in [2].  The vote will stay open until 2023-06-15 (14 days from today).
> I will start with my +1 as a member of the Incubation Committee and project mentor.
> Thanks
> ..Tom
> [1] http://zoo-project.org/ZOO-Project/ZOO-Events
> [2]
>    - Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques
>    - Arnulf Christl
>    - Jo Cook
>    - Jody Garnett (chair)
>    - Dimitris Kotzinos
>    - Tom Kralidis
>    - Michael Smith
>    - Steve Lime
>    - Daniel Morissette
>    - Frank Warmerdam
>    - Angelos Tzotsos
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