[Incubator] Nick is a champ, can I have a second reviewer for this page please?

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 21:59:05 PDT 2024

I was super happy to get an email from Nick with a draft "Add a OSGeo
Community Project Page" for the website!

I updated the page, and provided some feedback ... and then got a note that
he is out on vacation.

With that in mind can I ask for another member of the incubation committee
to review:

   - https://www.osgeo.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=25944&action=edit
   - https://www.osgeo.org/?page_id=25944&preview=true

It would be wonderful to have some clear instructions for folks to follow.

Some interesting feedback to consider when reviewing:

   - Joining the "OSGeo Community Initiative" is optional, so I adjusted
   the page to focus on
   - Showing a building, rather than a team photo, to "respect employee
   privacy" ... is a difficult balance.
      - I am not sure if it is honest of an employer to set an expectation
      of privacy when working on foss4g technology. It is very much
      in public" is it not?
   - Should we include the checklist and example emails from the wiki? Or
   is a link sufficient.
   - Added links to the "frames" used for screenshots

- -
Jody Garnett
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