[Incubator] Terra Draw

James Milner jamesmilner22 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 28 11:53:48 PDT 2024

Incubation committee:

I would like to ask permission to list my project "Terra Draw" on the OSGeo website in order to share my work with the community.

Terra Draw is a JavaScript library which allows for drawing and editing of geometries on maps. It works with a selection of different mapping providers, including Leaflet, MapLibre and OpenLayers and has been going for over 2 years now and I am eager to help more people use it.

The repository is located here: https://www.github.com/JamesLMilner/terra-draw and is released under the MIT license

My OSGeo userid is "jameslmilner" and I will need permission to create a project page.

Many thanks,

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