[Incubator] Incubate GeoStyler as OSGeo Project

Jan Suleiman suleiman at terrestris.de
Fri Dec 6 00:27:21 PST 2024

Hello everyone,

we hereby apply for the incubation process for GeoStyler becoming an 
OSGeo project.

GeoStyler is a set of open source libraries providing mechanisms for 
converting between different map styling formats (e.g. SLD, OpenLayers, 
Mapbox, QGIS, etc.). On top of that, GeoStyler also provides a UI for 
creating/editing styles regardless of the styling format.

GeoStyler has been an OSGeo community project since 2020.

We probably already fit most of the criteria for OSGeo projects:

- geospatial: Yes
- open source license: BSD-2-Clause
- accepts contributions: Yes, with more than 30 contributors so far.
- source code check, with source code audit: Yes, all contributions go 
through a code review process.
- open community with transparent communication and decision making 
process: Yes. Communication via github issues, discussions and discord 
channel. Decision making process via code review.
- active and healthy community with user and developer collaboration, 
drawing members from several organizations for long term viability: Yes. 
Active regular contributors from terrestris, IGN France, camptocamp, 
geographika and many others. Annual code sprints since 2022.
- development supported by version control and issue tracker: Yes, via 
github: https://github.com/geostyler
- developer leadership offering both transparent decision making and an 
opportunity for new members to participate: Yes. Decision making via 
code review. Contributing guideline 
- user documentation and developer documentation: Yes. Different 
tutorials, documentation and developer guide 
- release procedure covering both the release process and documented 
testing process: Yes. Automated tests on each pull request. Automated 
release pipelines.

We are now looking for a mentor helping us going through the incubation 
process. On FOSS4G Europe, Micheal Smith offered to do so, and we hope 
this offer is still valid.

Please let us know if there any further questions.

Kind regards

for the GeoStyler project


   M.Sc. Geoinformatics Jan Suleiman
   - Anwendungsentwickler -

   terrestris GmbH & Co. KG
   Kölnstraße 99
   53111 Bonn

   Tel: +49 (0)228 / 96 28 99 -543
   Fax: +49 (0)228 / 96 28 99 -57

   Email: suleiman at terrestris.de
   Web: http://www.terrestris.de

   Komplementärin: terrestris Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH vertreten durch:
   Torsten Brassat, Marc Jansen

   Informationen über Ihre gespeicherten Daten finden Sie auf
   unserer Homepage unter folgendem Link:

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