[Incubator] geOrchestra project incubation - step 1
Jody Garnett
jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 11:45:09 PST 2025
We cannot change "project type" as it is used for the website:
Project Types: Select what categories your project falls under.
This is used to organize the “Projects” menu at the top of the OSGeo
> website, and is also available as a “Filter” when viewing the projects list.
For project type "Metadata Catalogs" is already listed.
Perhaps you were asking about "Topic"? If so that cannot be changed without
a graphic designer, as it is used here:
If you just need to know how to change "project type" (not add a new
project type) the instructions are here:
https://www.osgeo.org/community/getting-started-osgeo/add-a-project/ (it
is over on the right hand side of the editor).
For the next step on asking to join the "community project" program see the
same instructions.
- -
Jody Garnett
- -
Jody Garnett
On Feb 12, 2025 at 5:35:52 AM, François Van Der Biest <
francois.vanderbiest at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jody, Nick
> Thanks for the update !
> I just fixed the page.
> Would it be possible to add the "Metadata Catalogs" tag to the "project
> type" section ?
> Could not find how to do it myself ...
> After that, are we ready to jump to the next phase (becoming an osgeo
> community project) ?
> Many thanks !
> F.
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 11:30 PM Jody Garnett via Incubator <
> incubator at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>> Nick I did not hear back from you.
>> I have published the page, and am providing the following feedback for
>> your consideration.
>> 1. Project Type: Community Project --> None
>> You can apply to join the community program now that you have a
>> website page entry.
>> 2. Header: great team photo!!
>> 3. Content: do you have an image or screen snap of the project in
>> action?
>> 4. About: License was missing so I looked up GPL-3.0 license
>> 5. Communication: Google Plus --> google groups - lol nicely done
>> https://www.osgeo.org/projects/georchestra/
>> - -
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Feb 5, 2025 at 3:15:34 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I see that there is now a draft page available:
>>> https://www.osgeo.org/?post_type=project&p=27122
>>> Nick is it okay to review and publish this now or is it still being
>>> worked on?
>>> - -
>>> Jody Garnett
>>> On Oct 24, 2024 at 7:01:39 AM, Nick Bearman via Incubator <
>>> incubator at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>>> Hey François,
>>>> Also just added pierrejego as 'project author'.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Nick.
>>>> On 17/10/2024 5:39 pm, François Van Der Biest via Incubator wrote:
>>>> Thanks Jody,
>>>> Coming back a bit late, but would you mind adding my
>>>> colleague pierrejego as author too ?
>>>> Thanks !
>>>> F.
>>>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 11:43 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey François,
>>>>> I guess this list is not very active lets go over the checklist
>>>>> <https://www.osgeo.org/about/committees/incubation/>:
>>>>> 1. geospatial -
>>>>> https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra/blob/master/README.md
>>>>> Check - It has "geo" in the name, and the description is about SDI.
>>>>> 2. open source license:
>>>>> https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra/blob/master/README.md
>>>>> Check - free software GPL license
>>>>> 3. accepts contributions:
>>>>> https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
>>>>> Check - contributing policy in place.
>>>>> https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra/pulls
>>>>> Lots of PRs
>>>>> Look good - I have added "project author" permission to fvanderbiest.
>>>>> Please check back when you have the result drafted up. Right now the best
>>>>> instructions are "how to add a service provider
>>>>> <https://www.osgeo.org/community/getting-started-osgeo/add-service-provider/>"
>>>>> (it at leasts shows you how to arrange your logo on a 720x412 white
>>>>> background). Have a look at GeoNode
>>>>> <https://www.osgeo.org/projects/geonode/> as the "reference" project
>>>>> page (with a picture of the team, screen snap in a frame
>>>>> <https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/tree/master/marketing/photos> etc...).
>>>>> - -
>>>>> Jody Garnett
>>>>> On Jul 3, 2024 at 9:19:08 AM, François Van Der Biest via Incubator <
>>>>> incubator at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Incubation committee,
>>>>>> Acting on behalf of the geOrchestra PSC, I would like to ask
>>>>>> permission to list the geOrchestra project on the OSGeo website in order to
>>>>>> share our work with more people.
>>>>>> This is a first step towards full graduation (hopefully) :-)
>>>>>> geOrchestra is a Spatial Data Infrastructure project whose founding
>>>>>> characteristics are: free, modular, interoperable. This project is
>>>>>> community driven from the beginning (2009).
>>>>>> It is built on top of GeoServer, GeoWebCache, GeoNetwork, MapStore,
>>>>>> etc and provides a SSO through CAS and/or a gateway component.
>>>>>> The repository is located here:
>>>>>> https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra and released under the
>>>>>> GPL v3 license.
>>>>>> More repositories can be found on https://github.com/georchestra and
>>>>>> provide either deployment facilities (ansible, docker, helm charts) or
>>>>>> additional, optional components / utilities (cadastre application, sdi
>>>>>> consistency check application, etc) and of course our website (
>>>>>> https://www.georchestra.org).
>>>>>> There's also a repository for our public manifesto (
>>>>>> https://github.com/georchestra/manifest) and another one to host
>>>>>> geOrchestra Improvement Proposals (
>>>>>> https://github.com/georchestra/improvement-proposals).
>>>>>> My OSGeo userid is "fvanderbiest" and I will need permission to
>>>>>> create a project page.
>>>>>> Thanks a lot !
>>>>>> François, for the geOrchestra PSC (
>>>>>> https://www.georchestra.org/project.html) - CCed.
>>>>>> PS: this is my second attempt to reach the incubation committee -
>>>>>> first attempt failed because I was not subscribed to the list and the
>>>>>> rejection email was placed in the spam folder. Maybe the doc should make it
>>>>>> clear that sending an email requires registration first.
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>>>> --
>>>> Nick Bearman
>>>> +44 (0) 7717745715nick at nickbearman.com
>>>> Please let me know if I can make any adjustments related to disability or neurodivergence to improve how we interact.
>>>> Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working pattern.
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