[Incubator] py3dtiles project page

Augustin Trancart augustin.trancart at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 06:36:51 PST 2025

Dear Incubation committee,

We - the py3dtiles maintainers - would like to have py3dtiles listed on the  
osgeo website.

Py3dtiles is a python library and command-line tool to manipulate 3dtiles and 
convert various type of data to 3dtiles. It is by essence geospatial. The 
license is Apache2 [1] and we do have a contributing policy [2].

The github repository is https://gitlab.com/py3dtiles/py3dtiles, and we also 
have a website: https://py3dtiles.org/.

Can I have the permission to create the project page? My wordpress id is autra.

Our future intention is to go all the way to being a full incubated OSGeo 
project. I think py3dtiles could already be a OSGeo Community Project. Is there 
any extra step for that, apart from a code of conduct?

Thanks for your consideration!

[1]: https://gitlab.com/py3dtiles/py3dtiles/-/blob/main/LICENSE
[2]: https://gitlab.com/py3dtiles/py3dtiles/-/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md

Augustin Trancart - Oslandia

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