[India-discuss] Introduction

Rajat Shinde rajatshinde2303 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 20:43:34 PST 2023

Hi Krishna!

Thanks for your email. Happy to see activity in the OSGeo India Discuss

I am Rajat and I work at NASA IMPACT. I am an open-source enthusiast and
advocate. Currently, I am a part of the OSGeo Board of Directors and
contribute as a PSC Member for the ZOO-Project and pgRouting. I have been
fortunate enough to attend FOSS4G Asia and FOSS4G conferences in the past
and look forward to meeting the community members in the upcoming meetups.

Kind regards,

Dr. Rajat Shinde
Computer Scientist
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Cramer Research Hall/NSSTC 1034

On Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 6:42 AM krishna lodha via India-discuss <
india-discuss at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi OSGeo India members,
> I’m starting this thread for introduction of all members,
> Hi, My name is Krishna Lodha. I’m an open source enthusiast leading my
> company Rotten Grapes Private limited. Apart from developing application
> using Open source products, I create content as blogs and videos
> https://youtube.com/c/@krishnalodha
> Thank you,
> Krishna G. Lodha
> Personal email : me at krishnaglodha.com
> Office email : krishna at rottengrapes.tech
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