[Indonesia] FOSS GIS follow up sharing and training

Wardiyono wynerst at indo.net.id
Wed Nov 14 17:59:50 EST 2007

Thanks for quick response.
I'll try your sugestions later this week.

For Frans,
Hendra Aquan (Our friendly Green Monster), is documenting the steps that 
we do. He is using Ubuntu instead the xubutu. It much less the same. I 
guess he would not mind to share his notes.


> Hello,
> sorry that I have to write in English as my Bahasa competency still is 
> that of a three-year-old...
> If I understand your question right you want to get information from - 
> for example - a forest ares that is displayed in a map.
> There are two ways to do this. Due to the short time unfortunately we 
> did not cover either of them. I will give a very light introduction 
> here. If you are interested we can develop how to do this on the 
> demonstrations server, once RISTEK can provide it.
> The first way to do this is to use the OGC WMS GetFeatureInfo request. 
> It uses a click coordinate that has been selected using the mouse and 
> returns the information that is found at that location. To get a result 
> from MapServer it has to be configured accordingly, find some 
> information here:
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/howto/wms_server
> In the MAP file you need an item for TEMPLATE, it is a html skeleton 
> that gets filled by MapServer with the corresponding values form the 
> found objects.
> The other way to do it is to install an OGC WFS (Web Feature Server) 
> that looks into the same data as the corresponding WMS. This is a lot 
> more work but also allows for other ways to search data, for example by 
> attributes, within a rectangle and even as contained within another 
> geometry.
> If you only want to allow people to click on an object and get the 
> information of this object returned then GetFeatureInfo is enough.
> If you are interested to see an example I can sen the corresponsing 
> files for the Germany project that we have been using in the course. But 
> it would be much nicer to do this with data from Indonesia and ideally 
> even on a server that runs a RISTEK.
> Best regards, Arnulf.

...only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river 
has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then 
will you find that money cannot be eaten...Cree Native American Prophecy

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