[Inspire-data] Re: [inspire-foss-devel] State of INSPIRE with FOSS (long)

Just van den Broecke just at justobjects.nl
Mon May 2 08:42:31 EDT 2011


Markus, thanks for your extensive answer ! And good to see deegree 
moving forward. In hinsight I may have sounded too negative in my 
original mail. That was certainly not my intention. I see so many 
opportunities for FOSS within INSPIRE, not only for the obvious reasons, 
but also since INSPIRE is a lot about integration and standards in 
constant flux, any product will need to be agile and reactive. So I feel 
the various FOSS projects should stick together on this.

I have experienced that INSPIRE is very knowledge-intense, with lots of 
nasty details that come up during implementation, in particular when 
testing. So while we may have a diversity in products, there is a great 
deal of commonality we can have at least in knowledge sharing and 
user/integrator-involvement, maybe even at the code/config level like 
common relational schemas and SLDs. Another area is "CITE-like" test 
automation which was started in ESDIN.

I plan to be in Bolsena next month, and hope some of you are there as 
well, so maybe we can move things further under the Italian sun.



On 28-04-11 21:57, Markus Schneider wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Just,
> sorry for the slow reply.
> Am 21.04.2011 12:20, schrieb Just van den Broecke:
>> - The way out: the inspire-foss project has always been geared on
>> multiple INSPIRE solutions, e.g. not just deegree-only, though this is
>> still a very strong solution for ETL+fast WFS serving. As said, part of
>> this mail is to clarify what I think is the current situation but also
>> to possibly get ideas from you. Others may think that INSPIRE is just a
>> nasty heavy beast designed top-down without any rational software
>> engineering constraints and will just fade away as so many
>> all-encompassing standards' frameworks that had no prior proven
>> implementation (remember the ISO 7-Layer OSI stack?). We may find
>> INSPIRE back in another format (OSM?). Basically this mail comes back to
>> what Jeroen Ticheler, Arnulf, Jo Walsh and others had already formulated
>> 2/3 years ago:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/INSPIRE and
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/INSPIRE_data_experiments
>> I think we have come a long way since then and have proven/diverse
>> INSPIRE FOSS solutions though in various stages. I realize I have maybe
>> been too much focused on technique/software, loosing the bigger picture,
>> and that we need to have something more integrated both in organization
>> (OSGeo?) and in the software ("INSPIRE Stack" with component options).
>> If you got as far as here thanks for reading !
> I would like to comment on the status of deegree 3 components for
> INSPIRE and what to expect in the next months:
> 1. Download Services: In order to get a complete INSPIRE solution based
> on deegree 3, the following things need to be addressed:
> - - Relational/hybrid storage: Is happening right now. In the last weeks,
> I got AU, CP and AD themes (automatically) mapped to a relational schema
> (with every optional element and attribute). Both queries and
> transactions are working. I hope to be able to provide a demo (and
> possibly a screencast) next week. Note that the relational mapping can
> also be configured manually, so using deegree 3 WFS with custom
> relational schemas (e.g. the one created by ESRI) will be possible.
> - - WFS 2.0 / INSPIRE Download Service protocol extensions: No timeframe
> yet. Will probably be implemented this year, because of lat/lon's
> involvment in the INSPIRE portal.
> 2. View Services: deegree 3 WMS supports WMS 1.3.0 for quite some time.
> Original INSPIRE styles (Symbology Encoding) can be used out of the box
> to style the unmodified INSPIRE features. Things to be done:
> - - INSPIRE View Service protocol extensions: Not much to be done (as WMS
> 1.3.0 is already implemented). Probably a few weeks of work. Should also
> happen during the INSPIRE portal tasks.
> - - Performance: In order to compete with other solutions, profiling is
> needed. However, the WMS is already pretty scalable as it's based on a
> streaming architecture.
> - - Tiling: Support for tile caching needs to be done.
> 3. Discovery Services: deegree 3 CSW supports the ISO application
> profile together with INSPIRE extensions. The (BLOB-based) storage has
> recently been improved and some customer projects are currently being
> worked on that prove that the CSW scales to dozens of millions of
> records. Things to be done:
> - - Integrate CSW records with metadata configuration of deegree WFS / WMS
> and WPS
> 4. Transformation Services: deegree 3 WPS implements the WPS 1.0.0
> protocol and should be ready for INSPIRE. Things to be done:
> - - Add INSPIRE protocol extensions
> - - Implement required processes
> If all the above is finished, deegree inspireNode will provide a full
> suite of INSPIRE services. Alternatively, there's the option to combine
> deegree 3 with other (FOSS) products, such as GeoServer / MapServer and
> GeoNetworks. Once deegree 3 WFS can be configured to work on a
> relational schema usable by GeoServer, a possible scenario is to use
> deegree 3 for INSPIRE data access / management and GeoServer for fast
> map rendering.
> Any feedback / cooperation is very much welcome.
> Best regards,
> Markus
> P.S.: Just, feel free to post this mail to inspire-data (I am still not
> a member).
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