[Ireland] OSGeo Ireland - Face2Face meetup

Daniel Cussen dan at post.com
Sun Apr 3 18:49:35 PDT 2016

The event will go ahead on April 23rd
Blog post here:
It was the only date that suited me.

I would suggest coming up with a list of things to
discuss/agenda/presentations etc.

Note TOG has moved since the last OSM meeting.

On 17/03/2016, Seth GIRVIN <sgirvin at compass.ie> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As a non-permanent resident, I’ll only be in Dublin on the 13th of April out
> of those dates.
> If another date is selected I’ll try and enrol a colleague or two into the
> OSGeo Ireland Chapter and see if they can attend.
> Will anyone on the list be attending FOSS4G in Bonn this August? I should be
> there for some of it.
> The final call for presentations is next Monday.
> Regards,
> Seth
> From: Peter Mooney [mailto:petermooney78 at gmail.com]
> Sent: 15 March 2016 21:13
> To: Mel McIntyre
> Cc: ireland at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:ireland at lists.osgeo.org>; Seth GIRVIN;
> Richard Cantwell; dan at post.com<mailto:dan at post.com>
> Subject: Re: OSGeo Ireland - Face2Face meetup
> Thanks Mel
> OK - I'll take the prerogative and suggest a few dates in April and May. If
> there is some overlap with other people's availability we'll setup a Doodle
> poll.
> In parallel you may have seen Dan Cussen's invitation to consider the Dublin
> Hackerspace TOG as a potential venue. Dan also suggested a potential
> co-meeting with the OpenStreetMap Ireland people on Saturday April 23rd at
> TOG.
> Weekdays (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday)
> 13/14 April
> 19/20/21 April
> 27/28 April
> May 3rd
> May 5th
> May 10th,12th
> May 17th, 19th
> + Dan's suggestion of April 23rd (Saturday)
> Peter
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Mel McIntyre
> <mel.mcintyre at openapp.ie<mailto:mel.mcintyre at openapp.ie>> wrote:
> Sounds good to me - April and May are ok to me. You know it is impossible to
> predict business priorities but I think suggest a few dates and times, our
> offices are available if that suits.
> Mel
> On 09/03/2016 12:22, Peter Mooney wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm emailing to follow on from our last OSGeo Ireland meetup online hosted
> by OpenApp.ie. I've included a few people in CC as I'm not sure if everyone
> is on the list.
> At the last meeting we agreed that it is time for us to have a Face2Face
> meet up soon.
> Rather than create a Doodle Poll with lots of dates and times which don't
> work - perhaps we could have a short discussion on the mailing list here
> about where and when the best time would be? After this we could create a
> Doodle Poll.
> The guys at OpenApp said that they would be happy to host in their offices
> in central Dublin. While this won't suit everyone logistically their offices
> are very accessible via public transportation.
> Myself and Daniel McInerney have spoken about this meetup a few times.
> We think that it should be informal, a couple of hours long, maybe include 5
> minute flash presentations from participants so that everyone can see what
> people are interested in/currently doing/currently wanting to do in the
> OSGeo world.
> The initial goal we should be working towards is a one day OSGeo Ireland
> event (presentations, networking, invited speaker (maybe)) THIS YEAR. At the
> meetup we could also discuss the possibility of bringing something bigger
> such as FOSS4G 2017 Europe to Ireland.  FOSS4G 2017 Global is not in Europe
> so there is an opportunity to reproduce FOSS4G 2015 Como here. Myself and
> Daniel would be willing to be the leaders of this.
> So let's have some opinions and views about a meeting in April or May 2016.
> Then we can create a poll of the popular options and go from there.
> Best wishes,
> Peter

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