[Ireland] FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest

Seth GIRVIN sgirvin at compass.ie
Sun Aug 25 02:53:15 PDT 2019

Enjoy Scotland Heikki – thanks for sending on the details. Too close to FOSS4G for me though I’m afraid.
Hope to catch up with you soon - would love to discuss the QGIS composite effects and trying to recreate them in MapServer sometime,


From: Ireland <ireland-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Heikki Vesanto
Sent: 23 August 2019 12:22
To: ireland at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Ireland] FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest

Not attending this year I'm afraid.

But I will be a bit closer in Edinburgh later in September. They are hosting FOSS4G UK (19-20 September 2019).


Worth considering. Tickets still available: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/foss4guk-2019-tickets-64538005913

Draft program:

I am presenting the commuting maps I have been working on. Now available by settlement:



On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 10:24 AM Peter Mooney <petermooney78 at gmail.com<mailto:petermooney78 at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello Seth, Hello list,

Yes, I shall be at FOSS4G 2019 but unfortunately, due to many other commitments, I will only arrive on Thursday evening and shall depart on Friday night.

Outside of my presentation, I will be around the conference all day! Looking forward to seeing you there Seth.


On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 9:56 PM Seth GIRVIN <sgirvin at compass.ie<mailto:sgirvin at compass.ie>> wrote:
Hi list,

Just wondering who will be going to FOSS4G in Bucharest [1] next week?
If there are a few of us attending we could organise a Birds of a Feather meeting [2]. Get in touch if you are!

A few talks to note, in particular:

  *   Peter Mooney: Building an OSGeo Community - Experiences from Ireland

I’ll be giving a couple of talks if anyone is interested:

  *   State of GeoExt
  *   State of MapServer

Also from previous key note speakers at our Irish events:

  *   Martin Høgh: GC2/Vidi: What’s new in the spatial data infrastructure project
  *   Marco Minghini: INSPIRE Reference Validator: status and next steps
  *   Marco Minghini: Comparing INSPIRE and OpenStreetMap data: how to make the most out of the two worlds
  *   Markus Neteler: State of GRASS GIS Project: 35 years is nothing!
  *   Markus Neteler: How digging in the earth for the fibre roll-out took GRASS to the cloud



[1] https://2019.foss4g.org/
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2019_BirdsOfAFeather

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