[iTowns-dev] iTowns-dev Digest, Vol 2, Issue 3

Thomas Broyer t.broyer at atolcd.com
Tue May 3 09:08:14 PDT 2016

2016-05-02 10:51 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Devaux <Alexandre.Devaux at ign.fr>:

> Hello everyone!
> In fact we need to change the date, the 16th of may, IGN will be closed
> for public holiday.
> Seems that the 18th of may, everybody was available, should we choose this
> date  (19th and 20th are possible too) ?

No way for me on a Wednesday when there are alternatives, sorry. Thursday,
May 19th?

Thomas Broyer
Atol Conseils et Développements
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