[iTowns-user] Unwanted culling when rotating globe

Terek Campbell terekc at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 07:33:55 PDT 2019

Sounds like a good solution to me, thanks!

~Terek Campbell

On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 8:21 AM Adrien Berthet <Adrien.Berthet at ign.fr> wrote:

> I see the problem then ! You need to rewrite the culling function then. To
> do this, simply write globeLayer.culling = (node) => { ... }); in the
> appropriate place.
> The current culling works with the camera position (cameraPosition), so
> you only need to find the correct vector to replace this. Also mind that
> the first bit of the function (super.culling) may need to be
> removed/replaced as it is using camera as well.
> https://github.com/iTowns/itowns/blob/master/src/Core/Prefab/Globe/GlobeLayer.js#L110-L128
> Hope it helps.
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Terek Campbell [terekc at gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 7 août 2019 16:03
> *À :* Adrien Berthet
> *Cc :* itowns-user at lists.osgeo.org
> *Objet :* Re: [iTowns-user] Unwanted culling when rotating globe
> Thanks for the responses!
> In my case I think I need the actual globe to rotate as I have a number of
> satellites orbiting the globe and in order to keep their correct location
> over time, the globe must rotate as well.
> I have a toggle between ECI
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth-centered_inertial> and ECEF
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECEF> coordinate frames. When zoomed out
> and having ECI selected I'd like to see the globe rotating along with the
> satellites around it.
> Upon zooming the camera in past a certain threshold, the scene will switch
> to the ECEF frame so that you're able to actually see what you're zooming
> into rather than having the earth fly past beneath you.
> I'm open to other solutions if you have them. Let me know if you have any
> thoughts!
> ~Terek Campbell
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 3:02 AM Adrien Berthet <Adrien.Berthet at ign.fr>
> wrote:
>> Thanks !
>> So what you got wrong is that you are moving the globe, when you should be*
>> moving the camera*.
>> Here's a quick thing you can do for example, using the controls
>> lookAtCoordinate method:
>> let target = view.controls.getLookAtCoordinate();
>> setInterval(() => {
>>     target.x = (target.x + 180+ 0.5) % 360 - 180;
>>     globe.controls.lookAtCoordinate({ coord: target }, false);
>>     globe.notifyChange();
>> }, 100);
>> More information here
>> http://www.itowns-project.org/itowns/docs/#api/Controls/GlobeControls
>> and here
>> http://www.itowns-project.org/itowns/docs/#api/Controls/CameraUtils
>> ------------------------------
>> *De :* Terek Campbell [terekc at gmail.com]
>> *Envoyé :* mercredi 7 août 2019 01:07
>> *À :* Adrien Berthet
>> *Cc :* itowns-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> *Objet :* Re: [iTowns-user] Unwanted culling when rotating globe
>> Here's a bit larger snippet with most of my iTowns related code:
>> *  private initGlobeView(sceneDiv) {     const position = new
>> Coordinates("WGS84", 2.351323, 48.856712, 25e6);     this.view = new
>> GlobeView(sceneDiv, position, {       scene3D: this.scene,       renderer:
>> this.renderer     });     const globeLayer =
>> this.view.getLayerById("globe");     const globe = globeLayer.object3d;
>> this.view.addFrameRequester(MAIN_LOOP_EVENTS.UPDATE_START, () => {
>> globe.rotation.z = this.globals.getSceneRotation();     });
>> Fetcher.json("../../../assets/layers/JSONLayers/Ortho.json").then(config =>
>> this.addColorLayerFromConfig(config));
>> Fetcher.json("../../../assets/layers/JSONLayers/WORLD_DTM.json").then(config
>> => this.addElevationLayerFromConfig(config));
>> Fetcher.json("../../../assets/layers/JSONLayers/IGN_MNT_HIGHRES.json").then(config
>> => this.addElevationLayerFromConfig(config));   } *
>> I'll note that overwriting the culling function like so
>> *    globeLayer.culling = () => {};*
>> does resolve my problem, but then I'm losing out on culling altogether.
>> I'd like it to still do the culling, just have it properly cull despite the
>> rotating earth.
>> I think the problem is that *worldToScaledEllipsoid* in iTowns
>> GlobeLayer.js is not being updated and thus in GlobeLayer.js's *preUpdate
>> *function the *cameraPosition* variable isn't being set correctly, but
>> that's just speculation. I don't quite understand how all the parts are
>> working together yet.
>> ~Terek Campbell
>> On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 1:01 AM Adrien Berthet <Adrien.Berthet at ign.fr>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Terek,
>>> Could you share a more independent example ? I'm not sure what is the
>>> `globe` variable here, that's why it may cause some odd culling.
>>> Thanks
>>> Adrien
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *De :* ITowns-user [itowns-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] de la part de
>>> Terek Campbell [terekc at gmail.com]
>>> *Envoyé :* lundi 5 août 2019 23:35
>>> *À :* itowns-user at lists.osgeo.org
>>> *Objet :* [iTowns-user] Unwanted culling when rotating globe
>>> Hey all,
>>> I’m attempting to rotate the globe over time via the following code:
>>>     this.view.addFrameRequester(MAIN_LOOP_EVENTS.BEFORE_CAMERA_UPDATE,
>>> () => {
>>>       globe.rotation.z = this.globals.getTotalRotation();
>>>       this.view.notifyChange();
>>>     });
>>> However, I’m seeing odd culling once it starts rotating as in the
>>> attached screenshot. How can I prevent this?
>>> ~Terek Campbell
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