[Java-collab] Erwan Bocher

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Thu May 22 03:01:21 EDT 2008

erwan bocher wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Erwan Bocher. I'm researcher in geomatic, manager of the 
> OrbisGIS project witch contains : GDMS (Generic Datasource Management 
> System), GRAP (GeoRaster Processing), H2 spatial and a GUI Front-end.
Sounds interesting; I have not had a chance to look at your project yet.
> I'm interested to talk and debate about : data model, complex and 
> large processing, projection.
I hope we are looking for collaboration on this list (ie lets work 
together on something) rather than debate. I have a proposal for a new 
geotools module on processing (we need an Interface for people to write 
drop in functionality to lurk behind a WPS service), and would be 
interested in feedback. Let me know if this is of interest.
> Currently we are working with Suisse guys (Olivier Ertz team) about 
> styling and symbology model for thematic maping, OGC compliant (SLD- 
> Thematic). Olivier will subscribe to this list.
Sounds good; Olivier may be better served by either of:
- the osgeo standards list (where kick around standards and try and make 
them work)
- the geoapi project (where they are currently looking at moving to the 
Symbology Encoding standard; previously known as SLD 1.1).

But others on this list will know more about this work...

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