[Geotools-devel] [Java-collab] ISO19115/ISO19111 VerticalExtent/VerticalCRS and Multidimensional Coverage

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri May 30 08:40:55 EDT 2008

Daniele Romagnoli a écrit :
> Can I "link" the VerticalExtent to a CompoundCRS (extending SC_CRS) 
> which should contain a GeographicCRS or a VerticalCRS, to identify the 
> CRS of this vertical extent?

VerticalExtent can be linked to a VerticalCRS through the 
VerticalExtent.getVerticalCRS() method, and the opposite way is possible too 
through the VerticalCRS.getExtent() method. But I'm not sure to understand the 
issue. You would like to link VerticalExtent to a CompoundCRS rather than 
VerticalCRS? Current API do not allows that since the link is rectricted to 
VerticalCRS type...

However CompoundCRS can be linked to an Extent, and giving an Extent we can 
invokes getVerticalElements() for fetching the VerticalExtents, and invoke 
getVerticalCRS() on those. Would it be applicable?


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