[Geotools-devel] [Java-collab] ISO19115/ISO19111 VerticalExtent/VerticalCRS and Multidimensional Coverage

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri May 30 11:55:46 EDT 2008

Daniele Romagnoli a écrit :
> how can I expose the extent of the 3rd component of a 3D coverage 
> related to a GeographicCRS if 19115 spatialBoundingBox allows to handle 
> 2D geographic coords (n,s,w,e boundaries), and verticalExtent allows to 
> handle the vertical component except the case of ellipsoidal height (3D 
> GeographicCRS)?.

ISO 19111 said that "GeographicCRS + VerticalCRS" should be illegal if the 
VerticalCRS is height about ellipsoid, but I don't think that this restriction 
needs to apply to Extent too...

The "3D Geographic" special case exists for mathematical reason during 
coordinate transformation. Those mathematical reasons do not apply to Extent as 
far as I can see, and I don't remember to have seen such restriction in ISO.

So I would suggest to store the 3rd component as a VerticalExtent like any kind 
of height (no special case for ellipsoidal height), create a Extent containing 
the GeographicBouindingBox + VerticalExtent, and gives this Extent to 
GeographicCRS ("ellipsoidal height" case) or CompoundCRS ("other height" case) 

Is it in the direction of what you are looking for?


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