[Java-collab] geometry next steps

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 20:08:47 EDT 2009

Hi Markus we should break this post up into different threads ...

On 12/08/2009, at 3:58 AM, Markus Schneider wrote:

> Actually, your feedback is quite what I was aiming for - I would  
> like others to scan the described concepts and the code
> to find obvious mistakes or design issues that you think are  
> definitely bad.
> After discussing and/or cleaning these issues I would suggest to get  
> to the next phase very quickly, which should focus
> on the creation of geometry objects and an implementation of the  
> geometry types (which will allow to represent the
> geometries, but not provide implementations of the operations). At  
> that point we will be able to actually work with it
> and already use it for importing/exporting of arbitrary GML geometry  
> objects. After that we should see how to put the
> operators to use in an implementation (probably using JTS). Note  
> that all of this already works in deegree 3, but I
> would rather import and refactor the functionality step-by-step so  
> we have it reviewed. If you want to see it in action
> right away, I suggest to check out the deegree 3 core module and  
> have a look at the tests at
> https://svn.wald.intevation.org/svn/deegree/deegree3/core/trunk/test/org/deegree/geometry/ 
> . There are test cases for all
> kinds of GML constructs as well as some basic spatial analysis tests.

I was hoping to write code examples in order to compare how easy the  
code is to read / use / understand. I don't need the classes to work  
for that; only to define the factory interfaces. Many of the trade- 
offs I would like to make at this stage are about making the work  
accessible to java programmers (and if we are keen - reducing the  
number of keystrokes they need to type). I also should check that the  
"mvn javadoc:javadoc" target works and review the resulting javadocs.

Actually do we have a place where we could publish the javadocs; we  
would get more feedback from this email list if there was a link to  
javadocs to review.


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