[Java-collab] geometry UOM (ie JSR-275)

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Wed Aug 12 04:46:21 EDT 2009

Ben Caradoc-Davies a écrit :
> How good is JSR 275 support for UCUM? Will we have full support for OGC 

JSR-275 0.9.1 has support for UCUM (I think), but I have not yet tested it. 
However I have hear that it is working fine.

I tried to upgrade GeoAPI/GeoTools/Geotoolkit to JSR-275 0.9.1 a few weeks ago, 
but they had a minor API change which was an issue (namely Unit.getConverterTo 
generic parameter are now stricter than they were before). I wrote to Jean-Marie 
about this issue and proposed an approach aiming to reach both the stricter 
safety Jean-Marie was looking for, and the flexibility our implementation need. 
Jean-Marie agreed. If the change make its way in JSR-275 0.9.2, the GeoAPI 
dependency to JSR-275 will be updated accordingly, which would bring UCUM to 


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