[Java-collab] Introduction and a few suggestions on recent topics
Martin Desruisseaux
martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Wed Aug 12 18:50:27 EDT 2009
Hello all
To follow on the GeoAPI discussion, I realize that the geotoolkit fork has
created tension on both side. But I don't think that GeoAPI should be a victim
of that. Its design is mostly the product of a tierce party, OGC/ISO, on which
it should be possible to find consensus if our aim is to find a balance between
standards and Java usability. We worked hard lately in documenting fully how
GeoAPI matches OGC/ISO (http://www.geoapi.org/snapshot/javadoc/content.html),
purging some elements that are not from OGC/ISO, documenting the departures
(http://www.geoapi.org/snapshot/javadoc/departures.html) so that anyone can find
quickly the most arbitrary design choices and critic them (if we wanted to force
our design decisions, we would not have documented them - we would have keeped
them hiden), integrated UML in the javadoc, etablished a monthly release policy
and generated for each release a list of difference compared to previous release
(http://www.geoapi.org/changes/index.html), wrote a first draft of GeoAPI spec.
(http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/attachment/42434/GeoAPI_3.0.0_draft.pdf), etc.
The French national mapping agency (IGN) has partially translated GeoAPI
interfaces from Java to Flex (to be commited on GeoAPI SVN probably this
automn). All this stuff has happened in the last few months.
We are trying to put GeoAPI under OGC rules, which is more open to the community
that some believe. Many contributors of the proposed geometry project are OGC
members - they should not fear dictatorial attitude if the project is governed
by an OGC charter and ISO specifications. The mean thing that I (and some other
OGC members) expect is to keep the amount of extensions (stuff not in OGC/ISO
specifications) low, which should help to reduce controverse. Such extensions
can be left to implementors or other collaborative projects.
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