[Java-collab] Re: geometry next steps
Jody Garnett
jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 08:58:44 EDT 2009
On 20/08/2009, at 7:13 PM, Markus Schneider wrote:
> 1. Remove all topological and spatial analysis methods in the
> interfaces from the SVN for now, so we can focus on
> sanitizing the model. Of course we would take on the operations
> subject again, when we find consensus here.
That sounds fine.
> 2. Add factories. I would like to add two factories similar to the
> ones in the deegree 3 SVN:
> SFS geometries:
> - http://download.deegree.org/deegree3/nightly/core/javadoc/org/deegree/geometry/SimpleGeometryFactory.html
> ISO 19107/GML 3
A slightly different suggestion:
- one factory that directly creates the model with no logic
- two builders - SFSBuilder and GMLBuilder
The reason for the separation is to allow implementation writers to
focus on a single factory class which they need to implement to hook
up their implementation.
> 3. Add a basic implementation that is just a bean representation
> without operations. We could finally start to add JUnit
> tests then.
> 4. Add GML parsers/exporters. I understood that one may want to keep
> this aspect out of the repository, but I don't see
> how we could test the difficulties in representing GML geometries
> (e.g external xlinks) without this. It also would make
> setting up geometries for testing much easier. Maybe we could keep
> the GML parsing/exporting isolated from the rest of
> the code.
I think it will be stronger if we provide a couple parsers/exporters.
I am keen to adapt a WKTReader I have from the geotools geoemtry code
for example. I hope we can touch basis with Justin when he comes back
and look at getting bindings together for the geotools streaming
parser / encoder (although perhaps Ben could help with this?).
> A huge benefit would be people can actually start to put the library
> to use -- and this will most likely add momentum to
> the whole project.
>> Actually do we have a place where we could publish the javadocs; we
>> would get more feedback from this email list if there was a link to
>> javadocs to review.
> Can you make sure that the javadoc target works? We can set up an
> automated build process and publishing of the javadocs
> (probably next week). BTW, the deegree 3 geometry javadocs can be
> found here:
It works (with a lot of warnings) it was one of the ways I reviewed
the interfaces.
To try it yourself write:mvn javadoc:javadoc
This is actually one "report" out of the much larger "mvn site" target
documented in the readme.html.
> http://download.deegree.org/deegree3/nightly/core/javadoc/
> Best regards,
> Markus
> --
> Markus Schneider
> l a t / l o n GmbH
> Aennchenstrasse 19 53177 Bonn, Germany
> phone ++49 +228 184960 fax ++49 +228 1849629
> http://www.lat-lon.de http://www.deegree.org
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