[Java-collab] Re: Enums and Switch Statements; ID and URN Resolvers; attached properties

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 09:10:08 EDT 2009

On 20/08/2009, at 10:40 PM, Markus Schneider wrote:

>> Ben's crew has done some magic with a URN resolver or something that
>> allows them to negotiate the difference between IDs in a single  
>> document
>> and a subsequent request for more information. I did not pretend to  
>> keep
>> up with their work so we may need to ask him for details.
> IMHO, the id resolving stuff can also be handled externally, so I  
> would suggest to keep it as a string until a general
> use-case turns up that requires it to be something else.

I would like to hear back from Ben's crew / Gabriel or Justin on this  
one as I do not feel I am in a position to comment.
(The identifier they came up with was called Name - and was basically  
an XML QName; or an ISO19107 GenericName).

> GML standard properties, like gml:metaDataProperty. Also, GML 2  
> allows a slightly different set of these properties (and
> maybe GML 3.3 could as well). This is why I would suggest not to  
> cling too close to GML 3.1/3.2 here. Of course it must
> still be possible to hold all the information that may come with a  
> GML 3.1 geometry element. BTW, actually I know no one
> that actually uses them besides some CITE tests.

>> In any case can I ask if "attached properties" is part of GML; or  
>> is it
>> just a scratch pad for extra information associated with a geometry?
> At the moment, it's rather a scratchpad that also allows some kind  
> of extensibility. I would favor to create a
> comprehensive interface at some point that represents the contents  
> of the GML standard properties in a version agnostic
> manner.

Okay a conversation to have in code then :-)

I have read the rest of your recent flurry of email and am in  
agreement - and look forward to the next steps.


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