[Java-collab] CRS axis issues (Was: Introduction and a
few suggestions on recent topics)
Markus Schneider
schneider at lat-lon.de
Fri Aug 21 05:53:15 EDT 2009
Hi Martin,
Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
> 3) We could imagine a new sub-interfaces, said DirectPositionXYZ, which
> impose the new constraint that the CRS must have its first axis
> orientated toward east, the second axis orientated toward north, and
> the third axis (if any) orientated toward up. Attempts to assign an
> other kind of CRS to a DirectPositionXYZ throws IllegalArgumentException
> at construction time. This DirectPositionXYZ interface would have the
> getX(), getY(), getZ() methods.
Interesting idea. On the other hand, this would introduce even more levels to the geometry type hierarchy...
> 4) The most efficient way to handle the axis order issue in a
> GeoTools/Geotk-like implementation is to impose the desired order right
> at the CRS creation time. Rather than having DirectPosition accepting
> arbitrary axis order and have its getX()/getY() methods perform analysis
> on the CRS axes, it is better to let the referencing module provides the
> MathTransform from the arbitrary CRS to the "XYZ-ordered" CRS.
> Advantages:
> * This avoid duplication of code since the referencing module
> already performs analysis of axes when infering MathTransform.
> * A MathTransform performing axes swapping is an AffineTransform.
> AffineTransforms can be efficiently concatenated with other kind
> of conversions like unit conversions or "scaling", "false easting",
> "false northing" after a map projection. Consequently in many cases
> the cost of performing axis swapping is absolutly null, because
> we just updated the coefficients of an affine transform that
> would have been applied anyway.
> 5) The MathTransform interface defines the following method:
> DirectPosition transform(DirectPosition source, DirectPosition target);
> where target is an optionnaly pre-allocated object (this is exactly
> the same approach than java.awt.geom.AffineTransform, but lets forget
> that for now). For now lets assume that "target" is null, which means
> than MathTransform will return a newly allocated object. In the
> particular case where the target CRS is one having XYZ axis order,
> MathTransform could return a DirectPositionXYZ object.
> Advantage:
> * User can know if he is allowed to use the getX(), getY() methods
> by performing an "if (p instanceof DirectPositionXYZ)" check.
> * The check proposed by Mathias (where getX() throw an exception
> if the point doesn't have a legal CRS) is replaced by a cast to
> DirectPositionXYZ, which throw a ClassCastException if we are
> not allowed to. The advantage is that this check is performed
> only once for the DirectPosition as a whole, instead than for
> each individual ordinate.
> In summary this approach is:
> * Type safe, since the getX() / getY() methods are defined only
> in an sub-interface where the meaning of those methods is
> garanteed to be the expected one. This allow API who want
> a XYZ position to enforce this restriction in their method
> signature.
> * Highly performant, since 1) in a majority of cases the axis
> swapping has been concatenated in an affine transform
> which already existed anyway, and 2) the check for validity
> of getX() / getY() method call is performed only once for
> the DirectPosition as a whole (and is not performed any more
> once we have casted to DirectPositionXYZ), instead than every
> time a get[X|Y] method is invoked.
These are very interesting approaches for providing an efficient implementation and correct behaviour for CRS-aware
#getX() and #getY() methods.
I would like to come back to these issues after we achieved the interim goal of having working test cases based on GML
import/export. I guess we only need the getter methods based on the ordinate index up to this point, but not any
Best regards,
Markus Schneider
l a t / l o n GmbH
Aennchenstrasse 19 53177 Bonn, Germany
phone ++49 +228 184960 fax ++49 +228 1849629
http://www.lat-lon.de http://www.deegree.org
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