[Java-collab] IRC breakout session for ISO 19107 geometry collab

Ben Caradoc-Davies Ben.Caradoc-Davies at csiro.au
Wed Jul 8 02:58:37 EDT 2009

Andrea Aime wrote:
> Jody Garnett ha scritto:
>> Here is a more specific link:
>> - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2009&month=7&day=8&hour=9&min=30&sec=0&p1=215&p2=240&p3=179&p4=1091
>> Thanks for moving this earlier; I will be able to attend.
> Jody... that link reports the wrong time afaik? Markus said 9.30 CET
> (Central European Time), not 9.30 UTC.
> If I'm right that link is off by 2 hours and the meeting is starting in
> less than 1 hour.

Thanks, Andrea. Can you confirm that the meeting is at  07:30 UTC? 
(09:30 CEST [UTC+2]).

Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies at csiro.au>
Software Engineer, CSIRO Exploration and Mining
Australian Resources Research Centre
26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington WA 6151, Australia

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