[OSGeo-Jobs] Senior Software Developer position at OPeNDAP

Arika Virapongse av at middlepatheco.com
Wed Jun 26 03:46:07 PDT 2024

Dear all, 

I’m sharing about this Senior Software Developer role on behalf of OPeNDAP. OPeNDAP <https://www.opendap.org/about> is a non-profit that develops the DAP protocol, which is often used to access large scientific data sets, such as geospatial data. I’ve been working with OPeNDAP as a consultant for the past year, and they are a wonderful group to work with. 

Here is the announcement: 

Do you thrive on crafting innovative solutions for scientific data access? OPeNDAP <https://www.opendap.org/about> is hiring a Senior Software Developer. The Senior Software Developer position is an upper-level role for OPeNDAP. We’re envisioning that this person will have a strong science and technology background, and, most importantly, a strong commitment to open source development. See the job announcement here: https://tinyurl.com/yyckm9t3 <https://tinyurl.com/yyckm9t3>. 

The deadline for applications is July 15, 2024. To apply online, please use the form <https://forms.gle/ruA9tH7LPwDK2sQ66>. If you have any questions about this role, you can reach out directly to James Gallagher <mailto:jgallagher at opendap.org> at jgallagher at opendap.org. 

Arika Virapongse, PhD
Community Engagement Consultant, Middle Path EcoSolutions | www.middlepatheco.com

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