[Lexicon] Timeslot poll for GeoLexicon kickoff meeting (Cross-domain management of glossaries)

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 14:58:44 PDT 2020

Please vote for GeoLexicon pilot kickoff meeting timeslot at:
https://doodle.com/poll/6uwxyngtse4rzxsk (Week of 23-29 August). (We might
need two timeslots)

This pilot will address cross-domain management of glossaries and preferred
word lists. It will build processes and tools for the generic use case,
developing and applying them within the geospatial mapping domain.

It is bringing together:
* Technical writers (associated with The Good Docs Project)
* Geospatial developers (associated with the OSGeo Foundation)
* Standards people and information modellers (associated with ISO standards
and the Open Geospatial Consortium)

Project manifesto is at:

Feel free to reach out if you'd like to get involved or have questions.

Primary communication will be on this email list:
(We will likely set up a slack channel as well)

Cameron Shorter
Technical Writer, Google
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