[Lexicon] [thegooddocsproject] Motion: Set up a glossaries repository within The Good Docs Project

Viraji Ogodapola viraji at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 04:55:56 PDT 2020



On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 2:32 AM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> We kicked off a pilot for Cross domain management of glossaries last
> Friday, and ~ ten core people interested in contributing as core
> contributors. We now need to get some logistics in place.
> First:
> * We are going to need somewhere to store material we create, and
> coordinate ourselves with a kanban or similar (as provided by github).
> * Some material we'll start in Google docs (as we've done already), but we
> should be moving to somewhere more stable, and for that I'm proposing we
> put some material into a github repository within The Good Docs Project.
> (Other material will logically move elsewhere, such as within the GeoLexia
> project.)
> Below is a motion to both The Good Docs Project and GeoLexicon communities
> (please vote):
> +1 : For
> +0: Mildly for, but mostly indifferent
> 0: Indifferent
> -0: Mildly against, but mostly indifferent
> -1 : Strongly against. This is expected to be accompanied by a reason.
> Assuming we achieve rough consensus, I plan to wrap up this motion within
> 48 hours.
> *Motion: I propose that we create a "glossaries" github repository
> within https://github.com/thegooddocsproject
> <https://github.com/thegooddocsproject>*
> +1 from me, Cameron
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Technical Writer, Google
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