[Liblas-commits] r1139 - trunk

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Wed Mar 25 05:56:16 EDT 2009

Author: mloskot
Date: Wed Mar 25 05:56:15 2009
New Revision: 1139
URL: http://liblas.org/changeset/1139

Fixed LF to CRLF in nmake.opt.


Modified: trunk/nmake.opt
--- trunk/nmake.opt	(original)
+++ trunk/nmake.opt	Wed Mar 25 05:56:15 2009
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
-# $Id$
-# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles
-# Set BUILD_DEBUG balue to YES if you want to make debug build
-# and to prepare not optimized binaries.
-# libLAS package settings
-LAS_LIB = liblas.lib
-LAS_DLL = liblas1.dll
-LAS_LIB_DLL = liblas_i.lib
-# only used for filenames of packages
-INCLUDES = -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include/liblas/capi
-# GeoTIFF Support
-# Uncomment the folling line to build GeoTIFF support for reading and
-# writing LAS files with Coordinate Systems information.  
-# comment out GEOTIFF_HOME if you are building against a GDAL source tree
-GEOTIFF_LIB = $(GEOTIFF_HOME)\lib\geotiff_i.lib
-# GDAL/OGR Support
-# Uncomment the folling line to build OGR support for 
-# the las2ogr command
-GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\gdal_i.lib
-GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\gdal_i.lib
-GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\port -I$(GDAL_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff -I$(GDAL_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libtiff -I$(GDAL_HOME)\ogr  -I$(GDAL_HOME)\gcore
-GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = -I$(GEOTIFF_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff
-# End of GeoTIFF Support
-OSGEO4W_DIR = $(LAS_HOME)\osgeo4w
-PYDLL_DIR = $(LAS_HOME)\python
-# Compilation flags for Release and Debug modes
-!IF "$(BUILD_DEBUG)" == "YES"
-LAS_LIB = liblas_d.lib
-LAS_DLL = liblas_d1.dll
-LAS_LIB_DLL = libl1as_i.lib
-# You may need to remove /GR if you are statically linking libLAS
-LAS_LIB = liblas.lib
-LAS_DLL = liblas1.dll
-LAS_LIB_DLL = liblas_i.lib
-# End of compilation flags settings
-# Compiler executable
-CC = cl.exe
-# Linker executable
-# - Dynamic-Linked Libraries
-# $(LINK) /dll
-# - Static Libraries (use of lib.exe wrapper is not portable, see VC++ Toolkit 2003)
-# $(LINK) /lib
-LINK = link.exe
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c /Fo$*.obj
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp /Fo$*.obj
+# $Id$
+# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles
+# Set BUILD_DEBUG balue to YES if you want to make debug build
+# and to prepare not optimized binaries.
+# libLAS package settings
+LAS_LIB = liblas.lib
+LAS_DLL = liblas1.dll
+LAS_LIB_DLL = liblas_i.lib
+# only used for filenames of packages
+INCLUDES = -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include -I$(LAS_ROOT)/include/liblas/capi
+# GeoTIFF Support
+# Uncomment the folling line to build GeoTIFF support for reading and
+# writing LAS files with Coordinate Systems information.  
+# comment out GEOTIFF_HOME if you are building against a GDAL source tree
+GEOTIFF_LIB = $(GEOTIFF_HOME)\lib\geotiff_i.lib
+# GDAL/OGR Support
+# Uncomment the folling line to build OGR support for 
+# the las2ogr command
+GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\gdal_i.lib
+GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\gdal_i.lib
+GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\port -I$(GDAL_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff -I$(GDAL_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libtiff -I$(GDAL_HOME)\ogr  -I$(GDAL_HOME)\gcore
+GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = -I$(GEOTIFF_HOME)\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff
+# End of GeoTIFF Support
+OSGEO4W_DIR = $(LAS_HOME)\osgeo4w
+PYDLL_DIR = $(LAS_HOME)\python
+# Compilation flags for Release and Debug modes
+!IF "$(BUILD_DEBUG)" == "YES"
+LAS_LIB = liblas_d.lib
+LAS_DLL = liblas_d1.dll
+LAS_LIB_DLL = libl1as_i.lib
+# You may need to remove /GR if you are statically linking libLAS
+LAS_LIB = liblas.lib
+LAS_DLL = liblas1.dll
+LAS_LIB_DLL = liblas_i.lib
+# End of compilation flags settings
+# Compiler executable
+CC = cl.exe
+# Linker executable
+# - Dynamic-Linked Libraries
+# $(LINK) /dll
+# - Static Libraries (use of lib.exe wrapper is not portable, see VC++ Toolkit 2003)
+# $(LINK) /lib
+LINK = link.exe
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c /Fo$*.obj
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp /Fo$*.obj

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