[Liblas-commits] hg: 3 new changesets

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Tue Nov 10 12:21:53 EST 2009

changeset 79e6ec10959a in /home/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.org/main/hg?cmd=changeset;node=79e6ec10959a
summary: add kdtree'ing script

changeset 46688ef85464 in /home/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.org/main/hg?cmd=changeset;node=46688ef85464
summary: support using kdtrees

changeset 05bb3bbad6dc in /home/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.org/main/hg?cmd=changeset;node=05bb3bbad6dc
summary: rename


 apps/las2oci.cpp               |   49 +++++++++---
 apps/lasindex.cpp              |    2 +-
 include/liblas/index/query.hpp |    1 +
 python/scripts/laskdtree.py    |  154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/index/index.cpp            |    6 +-
 src/index/query.cpp            |   52 +++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 329 to 300 lines):

diff -r d1470f08a3ee -r 05bb3bbad6dc apps/las2oci.cpp
--- a/apps/las2oci.cpp	Fri Oct 30 08:23:00 2009 -0500
+++ b/apps/las2oci.cpp	Tue Nov 10 11:17:45 2009 -0600
@@ -38,6 +38,21 @@
+bool KDTreeIndexExists(std::string& filename)
+    struct stat stats;
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    os << filename << ".kdx";
+    std::string indexname = os.str();
+    // ret is -1 for no file existing and 0 for existing
+    int ret = stat(indexname.c_str(),&stats);
+    bool output = false;
+    if (ret == 0) output= true; else output =false;
+    return output;
 std::istream* OpenInput(std::string filename) 
@@ -1015,21 +1030,31 @@
     LASReader* reader = new LASReader(*istrm);
-    LASIndexDataStream* idxstrm = new LASIndexDataStream(reader, idx_dimension);
+    LASQuery* query = 0;
+    if (!KDTreeIndexExists(input)) {
-    LASIndex* idx = new LASIndex(input);
-    idx->SetType(LASIndex::eExternalIndex);
-    idx->SetLeafCapacity(nCapacity);
-    idx->SetFillFactor(dFillFactor);
-    idx->Initialize(*idxstrm);
+        LASIndexDataStream* idxstrm = new LASIndexDataStream(reader, idx_dimension);
-    LASQuery* query = new LASQuery;
-    idx->Query(*query);    
+        LASIndex* idx = new LASIndex(input);
+        idx->SetType(LASIndex::eExternalIndex);
+        idx->SetLeafCapacity(nCapacity);
+        idx->SetFillFactor(dFillFactor);
+        idx->Initialize(*idxstrm);
+        query = new LASQuery;
+        idx->Query(*query);
+        if (idx != 0) delete idx;
+        if (reader != 0) delete reader;
+        if (istrm != 0 ) delete istrm;
+    } else {
+        std::cout << "Using kdtree ... " << std::endl;
+        std::ostringstream os;
+        os << input << ".kdx" ;
+        std::istream* kdx = OpenInput(os.str());
+        query = new LASQuery(*kdx);
+    }
-    if (idx != 0) delete idx;
-    if (reader != 0) delete reader;
-    if (istrm != 0 ) delete istrm;
     std::list<LASQueryResult>& results = query->GetResults();
     std::list<LASQueryResult>::const_iterator i;
diff -r d1470f08a3ee -r 05bb3bbad6dc apps/lasindex.cpp
--- a/apps/lasindex.cpp	Fri Oct 30 08:23:00 2009 -0500
+++ b/apps/lasindex.cpp	Tue Nov 10 11:17:45 2009 -0600
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
     LASIndex* idx = new LASIndex(input);
-    idx->SetFillFactor(0.8);
+    idx->SetFillFactor(0.99);
     if (bBulkLoad) {
diff -r d1470f08a3ee -r 05bb3bbad6dc include/liblas/index/query.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/index/query.hpp	Fri Oct 30 08:23:00 2009 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/index/query.hpp	Tue Nov 10 11:17:45 2009 -0600
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
+    LASQuery(std::istream& input);
         std::cout << "child count was" << m_count << std::endl;
diff -r d1470f08a3ee -r 05bb3bbad6dc python/scripts/laskdtree.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/scripts/laskdtree.py	Tue Nov 10 11:17:45 2009 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from scipy import spatial
+from numpy import array, vstack, empty, float
+from liblas import file
+from liblas import header
+from liblas import point
+from liblas import color
+from liblas import srs
+from liblas import guid
+import sys
+import os
+class Translator(object):
+    def construct_parser(self):
+        from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+        usage = "usage: %prog --leaf-size 1000 filename.las"
+        parser = OptionParser(usage)
+        g = OptionGroup(parser, "Base options", "Basic Translation Options")
+        g.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input",
+                          help="Input LAS file", metavar="INPUT")
+        g.add_option("-s", "--leaf-size", dest='leafsize',
+                          help="Maximum Leaf size", metavar="LEAFSIZE")
+        g.add_option("-o", "--output", dest='output',
+                          help="Column name containing the point cloud object ", metavar="OUTPUT")
+        g.add_option("-w", "--overwrite",
+                          action="store_true", dest="overwrite", 
+                          help="overwrite the existing file")
+        g.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
+                          action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=False,
+                          help="Don't say what we're doing on stdout")
+        parser.add_option_group(g)
+        if self.opts:
+            g = OptionGroup(parser, "Special Options", "Special options")
+            for o in self.opts:
+                g.add_option(o)
+            parser.add_option_group(g)
+        parser.set_defaults(verbose=True, overwrite=False)
+        self.parser = parser
+    def __init__(self, arguments, options=None):
+        self.connection = None
+        self.output = None
+        self.sql = None
+        self.opts = options
+        self.construct_parser()
+        self.options, self.args = self.parser.parse_args(args=arguments)
+        if self.args:
+            self.options.input = self.args[0]
+        if not self.options.leafsize:
+            try:
+                self.options.leafsize = int(self.args[2])
+            except IndexError:
+                self.options.leafsize = 1000           
+        if self.options.input:
+            self.options.input = os.path.abspath(self.options.input)
+            if os.path.isdir(self.options.input):
+                raise self.parser.error("Input '%s' is a directory, not a file " % self.options.input)
+            exists = os.path.isfile(self.options.input)
+            if not exists:
+                raise self.parser.error("Input file '%s' does not exist" % self.options.input)
+        else:
+            raise self.parser.error("No input was specified")
+        if self.options.output:
+            self.options.output = os.path.abspath(self.options.output)
+            if os.path.isdir(self.options.output):
+                raise self.parser.error("Output '%s' is a directory, not a file " % self.options.output)
+            if os.path.exists(self.options.output):
+                if not self.options.overwrite:
+                    raise self.parser.error("Output file '%s' exists, but you have not selected the --overwrite option" % self.options.output)
+            self.options.output = open(self.args[1],'wb')
+        else:
+            self.options.output = open(self.options.input+'.kdx','wb')
+    def get_leaves(self, node):
+        leaves = []
+        if isinstance(node, spatial.KDTree.leafnode):
+            leaves.append(node)
+        else:
+            return self.get_leaves(node.less) + self.get_leaves(node.greater)
+        return leaves            
+    def get_bounds(self, ids, data):
+        x, y = data[ids[0]]
+        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = x, y, x, y
+        for id in ids:
+            x,y = data[id]
+            minx = min(minx, x)
+            maxx = max(maxx, x)
+            miny = min(miny, y)
+            maxy = max(maxy, y)
+        return (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
+    def write(self, i, leaf, minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
+        ids = ' '.join([str(i) for i in leaf.idx])
+        output = '%d %d %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f \n%s\n' % (i, len(leaf.idx), minx, miny, maxx, maxy, ids)
+        self.options.output.write(output)
+    def process(self):
+        inp = file.File(self.options.input)
+        data = array(empty( (inp.header.point_records_count, 2)),dtype=float)
+        i=0
+        for p in inp:
+            data[i] = array([p.x, p.y])
+            i+=1
+        t = spatial.KDTree(data,leafsize=self.options.leafsize)
+        l = self.get_leaves(t.tree)
+        i = 0
+        for leaf in l:
+            minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.get_bounds(leaf.idx, data)
+            self.write(i, leaf, minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
+            i+=1
+        self.options.output.close()
+def main():
+    import optparse
+    options = []
+    d = Translator(sys.argv[1:], options=options)
+    d.process()
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    main()
diff -r d1470f08a3ee -r 05bb3bbad6dc src/index/index.cpp
--- a/src/index/index.cpp	Fri Oct 30 08:23:00 2009 -0500
+++ b/src/index/index.cpp	Tue Nov 10 11:17:45 2009 -0600
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
     m_idxId = 1;
     m_idxCapacity = 1000;
-    m_idxLeafCap = 1000;
+    m_idxLeafCap = 250;
     m_idxDimension = 3;
-    m_idxFillFactor = 0.7;
+    m_idxFillFactor = 0.99;
-    m_bufferCapacity = 10;
+    m_bufferCapacity = 100;
     m_bufferWriteThrough = false;
     m_idxExists = false;
diff -r d1470f08a3ee -r 05bb3bbad6dc src/index/query.cpp
--- a/src/index/query.cpp	Fri Oct 30 08:23:00 2009 -0500
+++ b/src/index/query.cpp	Tue Nov 10 11:17:45 2009 -0600
@@ -161,4 +161,56 @@
     return *this;
+LASQuery::LASQuery(std::istream& input) : m_count(0), m_first(true) 
+    long id_count = 0;
+    long id = 0;
+    long i = 0;
+    double low[2];
+    double high[2];
+    double mins[2];
+    double maxs[2];
+    bool first = true;
+    while(input) {
+        input >> id >> id_count >> low[0] >> low[1] >> high[0] >> high[1];
+        // printf("count:%d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", id_count, low[0], low[1], high[0], high[1]);
+        if (first) {
+            mins[0] = low[0];
+            mins[1] = low[1];
+            maxs[0] = high[0];

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